We could see Tateyama ridge clearly few days ago, but it looks like snow today....We have several countdown gigs in Toyama. please come to join us.
30th, Dec. at Lush Life Toyama, 富山
H. J. M
Hitoshi Hamada × Naouiki jinushi × Momo
浜田 仁 (Gt.)× 地主直之(Gt.) × Momo(Pn.)
Start 8:00pm/ music charge 1.000yen
31st, Dec. at Lush Life
Count Down Session!!
My Christmas.
こどもでんしゃ!/child's train
天才こどもスイッチ!Genius Child's switch!
"Genius Child's switch" is coined word from world famous illustrator and author of picture books, Ryoji Arai. I heard it from an interview program on TV. On the show, he was writing his new picture book and saying he wish he has one! I really like this idea and I eagerly desire to have one as well. However, for me, his imagination is unbelievably free like child. He reminds me Maki Hachiya's solo performance that I saw few weeks ago in Tokyo. I've known her for several years and she's always changing in better way. Their power to try to go beyond the borders of expectation is really touched and encouraged me a lot.
"Genius Child's switch" is coined word from world famous illustrator and author of picture books, Ryoji Arai. I heard it from an interview program on TV. On the show, he was writing his new picture book and saying he wish he has one! I really like this idea and I eagerly desire to have one as well. However, for me, his imagination is unbelievably free like child. He reminds me Maki Hachiya's solo performance that I saw few weeks ago in Tokyo. I've known her for several years and she's always changing in better way. Their power to try to go beyond the borders of expectation is really touched and encouraged me a lot.
Tutomu Okada quartet at Toyama
I went to listen to the concert of quartet leaded by Bass player, Tsutomu Okada at Jazz club called "Jazz Workshop" in Toyama. It was really enjoyable gig and I felt their love for the music and big respect between the musicians from their playing. Hiroshi Murakami, who plays drums on this group, told me he's known saxophonist, Kosuke Mine for more than forty years. Wow! I can not imagine how does it feel to play with same person for over forty years. I'm sure it would be really exciting musical experiment. pictures are me and Mr. Murakami and great dog aged 20(!), Gon.
gigs at last week
Thanks for coming gigs leaded by Asako Takasaki, who lives in NY now and originally from Toyama, at last week in Toyama. I really appreciate the opportunity to share the music with who came to concerts. I hope they enjoy our music as well as we did.
Asako's music direction is different from mine, but it was very fun to play with her because she really tried to create music with the audience and feel the music which was varying from hour to hour.
Things are changing every minute. We can never be in the same place.
Sometime we tend to attach to something and forget what is happening at that time. I hope I can be a musician who can feel the changing and happening and feed the emotion back into the music with my musical language.
Thanks for coming gigs leaded by Asako Takasaki, who lives in NY now and originally from Toyama, at last week in Toyama. I really appreciate the opportunity to share the music with who came to concerts. I hope they enjoy our music as well as we did.
Asako's music direction is different from mine, but it was very fun to play with her because she really tried to create music with the audience and feel the music which was varying from hour to hour.
Things are changing every minute. We can never be in the same place.
Sometime we tend to attach to something and forget what is happening at that time. I hope I can be a musician who can feel the changing and happening and feed the emotion back into the music with my musical language.
schedule Dec. 2007
Lush Life session
info; 076-421-7044
music charge 1.000yen
国立 すえひろ亭/ Suehiro-tei session
Nao Teraya group/http://nao.apple.ac/
info; http://suehiro.ath.cx/
Wonderful flute player, Miya will release her 2nd CD on Nov. 25th 2007! She will be appear in Hokuriku on Feb. 2008 with her group. I'll be a guest of some concerts in Hokuriku. Please come to join us!
Miya CD発売記念ツアー in 富山/日の出小劇場
Miya CD release gig in Toyama, Hinodeya-shou-geijyou
Miya;flute/ 水谷浩章 Hiroaki Mizutani;bass/ 外山 明 Akira Sotoyama;drums
guest; Momo;piano
info;Miya; http://miya-music.com/
日の出小劇場; http://www.daidokoroya.net/?page_id=19
Miya CD発売記念ツアー in 金沢 もっきりや
Miya CD release gig in kanazawa Mokkiriya
Miya; flute/ 水谷浩章 Hiroaki Mizutani; bass/ 外山 明 Akira Sotoyama; drums
guest; Momo;piano
info; Miya; http://miya-music.com/
もっきりや(Mokkiriya); http://www.spacelan.ne.jp/~mokkiriya/
Lush Life session
info; 076-421-7044
music charge 1.000yen
国立 すえひろ亭/ Suehiro-tei session
Nao Teraya group/http://nao.apple.ac/
info; http://suehiro.ath.cx/
Wonderful flute player, Miya will release her 2nd CD on Nov. 25th 2007! She will be appear in Hokuriku on Feb. 2008 with her group. I'll be a guest of some concerts in Hokuriku. Please come to join us!
Miya CD発売記念ツアー in 富山/日の出小劇場
Miya CD release gig in Toyama, Hinodeya-shou-geijyou
Miya;flute/ 水谷浩章 Hiroaki Mizutani;bass/ 外山 明 Akira Sotoyama;drums
guest; Momo;piano
info;Miya; http://miya-music.com/
日の出小劇場; http://www.daidokoroya.net/?page_id=19
Miya CD発売記念ツアー in 金沢 もっきりや
Miya CD release gig in kanazawa Mokkiriya
Miya; flute/ 水谷浩章 Hiroaki Mizutani; bass/ 外山 明 Akira Sotoyama; drums
guest; Momo;piano
info; Miya; http://miya-music.com/
もっきりや(Mokkiriya); http://www.spacelan.ne.jp/~mokkiriya/
Benny Green workshop at Nonoichi, Big Apple
今日は石川県の野々市市、という所で行われていた"Big Apple"というイベントの一環であった、Benny Greenのworkshshopにいってきました。彼の音楽と人への愛が伝わって来て、すごく幸せになれました。明日、地元の音楽家とのコンサートもあるそうです。
Start : 20:30
無料 (宿泊者、関係者のみ)
問い合わせ : (株)開進堂楽器 Tel : 076-621-1027
Start : 18:00
問い合わせ 076-623−4664 担当:山木
11/22 (THU)
ホテルニューオータニ高岡 5Fチャペル 「ミレニアム」
“名曲いっぱいコンサート ニューヨーク・ジャズ・ナイト”
高岡市新横丁1番地 *JR高岡駅徒歩5分
チケット ¥1,000
Open 18:30 Start 19:00
チケット販売:ホテルニューオータニ高岡 Tel : 076-626-1111
または(株)開進堂楽器 高岡サティ2F Tel : 076-623-4664にてお求めください。
There was an event called "Big Apple" this afternoon in Nonoichi, Ishikawa prefecture. Nonoichi city and some local TV and newspaper companies organized the event and invited jazz musicians from overseas to give both workshop and concert with local musician.
This year was the 13th time! I've never heard this before though...So it was my first time and I attended a class leaded by pianist, Benny Green..
From him, I just feel love for people and music. He said that people who came to listen to the music were much more important than himself, so he just wanted to serve them and tried to brought good feeling to them. I was so happy to have a chance to hear his thinking and philosophy for music, people and life itself.
By the way I have several gigs next week. If you have time, please come to join us!
11/18(Sun.) Amaharashi Onsen "Isohanabi"
Duo w/Asako(vo.)
start; 20:30
hotel info; http://www.isohanabi.jp/
11/22(Thu.) Hotel New Otani Takaoka
Vo. Asako
Gt. Shinichiro Funase
Pn. Momo
Open 18:30/ Start 19:00
hotel info; http://www.newotani.co.jp/en/takaoka/index.html
11/24(Sat.) Music Partner Club opening concert
Vo. Asako
Gt. Shinichiro Funase
Pn. Mom
Start 18:00
info; Kaishindo 076-623-4664
Start : 20:30
無料 (宿泊者、関係者のみ)
問い合わせ : (株)開進堂楽器 Tel : 076-621-1027
Start : 18:00
問い合わせ 076-623−4664 担当:山木
11/22 (THU)
ホテルニューオータニ高岡 5Fチャペル 「ミレニアム」
“名曲いっぱいコンサート ニューヨーク・ジャズ・ナイト”
高岡市新横丁1番地 *JR高岡駅徒歩5分
チケット ¥1,000
Open 18:30 Start 19:00
チケット販売:ホテルニューオータニ高岡 Tel : 076-626-1111
または(株)開進堂楽器 高岡サティ2F Tel : 076-623-4664にてお求めください。
There was an event called "Big Apple" this afternoon in Nonoichi, Ishikawa prefecture. Nonoichi city and some local TV and newspaper companies organized the event and invited jazz musicians from overseas to give both workshop and concert with local musician.
This year was the 13th time! I've never heard this before though...So it was my first time and I attended a class leaded by pianist, Benny Green..
From him, I just feel love for people and music. He said that people who came to listen to the music were much more important than himself, so he just wanted to serve them and tried to brought good feeling to them. I was so happy to have a chance to hear his thinking and philosophy for music, people and life itself.
By the way I have several gigs next week. If you have time, please come to join us!
11/18(Sun.) Amaharashi Onsen "Isohanabi"
Duo w/Asako(vo.)
start; 20:30
hotel info; http://www.isohanabi.jp/
11/22(Thu.) Hotel New Otani Takaoka
Vo. Asako
Gt. Shinichiro Funase
Pn. Momo
Open 18:30/ Start 19:00
hotel info; http://www.newotani.co.jp/en/takaoka/index.html
11/24(Sat.) Music Partner Club opening concert
Vo. Asako
Gt. Shinichiro Funase
Pn. Mom
Start 18:00
info; Kaishindo 076-623-4664
ボストンに住んでいた時、yoga studioが目の前にあって毎朝通っていたのだけれど、最近は自分の好きな時にちょっとづつやるようにしている。どんな難問でも解決できる魔法ではないけれど、私の場合、心がさらっとして集中力が増す効果はある。
I usually do yoga practice about ten minutes or so in the morning before sitting front of the paper or computer to write music. It make my mind clear.
I started yoga practice about 2 years ago in Boston. There was a yoga studio just few steps(!) from my apartment where I lived during my college days. I used to go to the studio every morning, but now I am just practicing by myself.
I don't say it's kind of magic to solve any difficulties in the world, but I think it's useful for getting tranquility of mind and concentration.
ボストンに住んでいた時、yoga studioが目の前にあって毎朝通っていたのだけれど、最近は自分の好きな時にちょっとづつやるようにしている。どんな難問でも解決できる魔法ではないけれど、私の場合、心がさらっとして集中力が増す効果はある。
I usually do yoga practice about ten minutes or so in the morning before sitting front of the paper or computer to write music. It make my mind clear.
I started yoga practice about 2 years ago in Boston. There was a yoga studio just few steps(!) from my apartment where I lived during my college days. I used to go to the studio every morning, but now I am just practicing by myself.
I don't say it's kind of magic to solve any difficulties in the world, but I think it's useful for getting tranquility of mind and concentration.
10月28日(日)10:00 pmからのNHK富山の、音楽番組にゲストの一人として出演しています。オリジナルとアレンジのsoloを一曲づつと、ギタリスト浜田仁さんtrioとのsessionもあります。富山周辺にお住まいの方で、お時間がある方は是非お聴き下さい。素晴らしいフルート奏者、Miyaの新しいCDも少しだけですが聴けます。写真は今日の収録後、みんなで撮りました。
I will appear on radio show called "Toyama Music Jam" on Sunday, 28th, October. You can listen one of my original piece and an arrangement of Japanese traditional song on solo setting. I also did session with Hitoshi Hamada guitar trio. If you are native of Toyama and have time for it, please check it out! Flutist, Miya's latest CD will be featured on a segment called " My Favorite" on the program.
schedule Oct.'07
お時間がある方は是非遊びに来てください!Please come to join us!
10/7 (Sun.) Session at Lush Life, Toyama/富山
10/14(Sun.) Session at kami-fusen/紙風船, Toyama/富山
10/20 (Sat.) Duo w/Sai, voice at Twice up, Tokyo/東京
info; http://www.millionjam.com/twiceup/
10/21 (Sun.) Duo w/ Miya at Tokyo Dome Hotel, Artist Caffe
info; http://www.tokyodome-hotels.co.jp/e/restaurants/artists_cafe.html
10/7 (Sun.) Session at Lush Life, Toyama/富山
10/14(Sun.) Session at kami-fusen/紙風船, Toyama/富山
10/20 (Sat.) Duo w/Sai, voice at Twice up, Tokyo/東京
info; http://www.millionjam.com/twiceup/
10/21 (Sun.) Duo w/ Miya at Tokyo Dome Hotel, Artist Caffe
info; http://www.tokyodome-hotels.co.jp/e/restaurants/artists_cafe.html
Lately, I traveled around Tateyama peaks which has mountains over 3000 meters high. It located right center in main island of Japan like spine of it. Mt. Tateyama was one of the most famous "Spiritual Mountain" in Japan. I was overwhelmed by it.
concert 8th, Sep.
昨日は、"otani presents ふれ逢いステーション vol.6"
というイベントに、Momo+Miya with string quartet & rhythm sectionで参加しました。企画を支えて進行してくださったスタッフ、及びホールの関係者の方々、一生懸命演奏してくださった共演者の方々、そして聴きに来てくださり、3部構成のステージを最後までおつきあいいただいたお客様、本当にありがとうございました。感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。
I was really happy to participate the event called "Otani presents Fureai sation vol.6" last night at Toyama.
It was supported by a lot of people, such as the staff of the company to manage all the sort of complicated tasks about this project, the staff who worked in the hall, all the musician who was making music beautifully, all my family and friends who encouraged me to go forward and, of course, the audience who came to listen the concert last night. I can't find words to describe how I appreciate everyone's support. Thanks a lot!!
One of the reason why I came back to Toyama is making some kind of relationship with people in my hometown through the music and "re" build my new, real home in my mind as a starting point of my career. I think the concert last night was the special point to achieve my purpose and important step for my dream and my music life. I was happy to share my feeling and music with people last night from botyom of my heart. I hope everyone enjoyed the concert. Thank again.
dome hotel
8/28は東京ドームホテル内のartist caffeでMiyaとduoでした。いつも、何か新しいことを考えているMiyaとの演奏は楽しい。野球があったようで、満員でした。ホテルの横にJRAの場外馬券を買うところがあり、競馬ファンが、夕方ホテル周辺にたくさんいる、なんだか不思議な場所です。
I played with Miya last night at Artist Caffe at 43th floor of Tokyo Dome hotel. It was so much fun tov play with her. There was a baseball game at the dome last night, so a lot of people came to the caffe after the game. It is kind of strange place....
I played with Miya last night at Artist Caffe at 43th floor of Tokyo Dome hotel. It was so much fun tov play with her. There was a baseball game at the dome last night, so a lot of people came to the caffe after the game. It is kind of strange place....
今日は、9/8の"ふれ逢いステーション”という入場無料(抽選)コンサートのための初リハーサルでした。音を出してみて、気づくことがいっぱいありました。本番までに手直しをして、よい演奏を来て頂いた方にお届けしたいです。写真はピアノと私とstring quartetの皆さんです。
Today I had first reading session for the concert called "fureai-station" at Sat., 8th Sep in Toyama. I was nervous about it but it came out all right, though I should fix some parts. It's free concert, although you should apply it, so I hope a lot of people will show up and they'll enjoy it.
"Jazz with strings" Otani presnts Fureai station vol.6
otani presents ふれ逢いステーション vol.6 "Jazz with strings"
今回は、ベースの安ヶ川 大樹さんのtrio、Momo+Miyaのduo にrhythm section, string quartet がはいったoctetを中心にお届けします。入場無料、応募制です。
Otani ふれ逢いステーション official web site;
P.S. 昨日のFM toyamaの放送を聴いてくださった方ありがとうございました。慣れないラジオでしたが、楽しかったです。
I'm pleased to announce the event called "Fureai Station vol.6" hosted by Otani steel corporation at Sat., 8th Sep., 2007 which I'll be perform with Miya, string 4tet and rhythm section. A bass player, Taiki Yasukagawa will lead his trio as well on this event. I'm really excited about it. Please come to join us!! It should be fun. This is no-charged event but you should apply it by mail or e-mail.
Otani fureai station official web site;
There's a advertisement on the Kita-nihonn newspaper, Toyama local newspaper, today. Check this out.
P.S. Thank you for listening the Radio show on Toyama FM
last night.
Today is the day that the second nuclear bomb was dropped over Nagasaki. In my memory, Both Hirashima and Nagasaki Days, as I remember, was always nice, clear and hot summer day. When I was child, I couldn't understand such a tragic attacks happened here on the earth under the same beautiful sky. I feel really sorry for victims and survivors. It should not happen again, never. We should chose the world without nuclear weapon.
Session in Kanazawa.
佐藤達哉さんを迎えての、金沢のsesssionはとても盛り上がりました。一緒に演奏していて、ゆったりとしたタイム感や、soloの展開の巧みさなど、とても勉強になりました。写真は、金沢の若手musician! です。パワーがあります。
I played with tenor sax player, Tatsuya Sato and jazz musician in kanazawa few days ago. It was exciting session. I learned a lot from his playing. Mr. Sato told me that this year is his 30th anniversary since he's been professional musician. 30 years! Wow.
I took picture with young jazz girls with nice jazz T-shirts in kanazawa.
I've not been in Japan in this season for 3 years, so I feel something special to spend These "war memorial season" in Japan, the place where the atomic bomb have been used.
We hear the news about war everyday, but I'm sure most of all people long for peace.
Tatsuya Sato session tomorow./schedule in Aug.
明日は金沢のイベントで素晴らしいサックス奏者、佐藤達哉さんと、金沢の音楽家との sessionです。お時間がある方は是非!
I'll play with wonderful sax player, Tatsuya Sato in Kanazawa. I hopw you can join us.
真夏の夜のJazz/ 佐藤達哉 スーパーセッション
Live Performance vol.6 at Queen's Court, Kanazawa
Tatsuya Sato super session
T.sax, 佐藤 達哉 Tatsuya Sato
Gt., 尾田 一紘 Kazuhiro Oda
Pn,. Momo
Bs., 山本 進一 Shinichi Yamamoto
Ds., 中澤 宏明 Hiroaki Nakazawa
Miya duo/ Fl..Miya Pn., Momo
Tokyo dome Artist Caffe
English; http://www.tokyodome-hotels.co.jp/e/restaurants/artists_cafe.html
I'll play with wonderful sax player, Tatsuya Sato in Kanazawa. I hopw you can join us.
真夏の夜のJazz/ 佐藤達哉 スーパーセッション
Live Performance vol.6 at Queen's Court, Kanazawa
Tatsuya Sato super session
T.sax, 佐藤 達哉 Tatsuya Sato
Gt., 尾田 一紘 Kazuhiro Oda
Pn,. Momo
Bs., 山本 進一 Shinichi Yamamoto
Ds., 中澤 宏明 Hiroaki Nakazawa
Miya duo/ Fl..Miya Pn., Momo
Tokyo dome Artist Caffe
English; http://www.tokyodome-hotels.co.jp/e/restaurants/artists_cafe.html
8/1、GH9での道下 和彦trio。演奏中に道下さんがバンド名を発表しました。Michishita, Miya, Momo でM3です。3人の個性の解け合う、演奏している方もとても気持ちのよいtrioでした。暑い日にもかかわらず、来てくださったお客様に大感謝です。またやりたいな!学生時代から、いつも励ましてくださっている道下氏に、また元気をもらいました。
Thanks for coming to Kazu Michishita trio "3M" at GH9.
I really appreciate for showing up even it was very, very hot and humid, japanese typical, day. We mainly played our original compositions. Kazu Michishita said that we have very different ideas for music, and it's important factor to form the group. That's why he wants to put together the three of us. I was pleased to hear about it very much. It was really fun to play with them.
Thanks for coming to Kazu Michishita trio "3M" at GH9.
I really appreciate for showing up even it was very, very hot and humid, japanese typical, day. We mainly played our original compositions. Kazu Michishita said that we have very different ideas for music, and it's important factor to form the group. That's why he wants to put together the three of us. I was pleased to hear about it very much. It was really fun to play with them.
Kazu Michishita trio tomorrow, 8/1(Wed.)!
素晴らしいギタリスト、作曲家の道下 和彦さんと、自由なフルート奏者、Miyaとのtrio。original中心です。私もとてもわくわくしています。お時間がある方は是非、聴きにきてください。
Kazu Michishita's music always makes me happy and smile. I'm really excited to play with him and wonderful flutist, Miya.
It should be fun! We'll play our original music and some jazz standards songs. I hope you can join us!
8/1(Wed.) 道下 和彦trio/Kazuhiko Michishita trio at GH9(上野 Ueno)
Gt., 道下 和彦 Kazuhiko Michishita/ Fl., Miya/ Pn., Momo
*GH9 info.;http://homepage1.nifty.com/ghnine/
Kazu Michishita's music always makes me happy and smile. I'm really excited to play with him and wonderful flutist, Miya.
It should be fun! We'll play our original music and some jazz standards songs. I hope you can join us!
8/1(Wed.) 道下 和彦trio/Kazuhiko Michishita trio at GH9(上野 Ueno)
Gt., 道下 和彦 Kazuhiko Michishita/ Fl., Miya/ Pn., Momo
*GH9 info.;http://homepage1.nifty.com/ghnine/
session in Toyama
今日は、浜田 仁さんのグループで、sessionをしました。いつでも、どんな状況でも変わらない安定した演奏は、とても勉強になりました。音楽に常に、集中して、いい音楽を作り出せるよう、技術も音楽性も磨いていきたいです。
I played with Hitoshi Hamada group in Toyama. They played together long time in both Toyama and other Hokuriku area. I can't imagine how hard to continue playing jazz in Toyama for more than decades. I respect them a lot. I learned a lot from them as well.
I played with Hitoshi Hamada group in Toyama. They played together long time in both Toyama and other Hokuriku area. I can't imagine how hard to continue playing jazz in Toyama for more than decades. I respect them a lot. I learned a lot from them as well.
Scedule July/August
お時間がある方は是非遊びにおいで下さい。Please come to join us!
浜田 仁バンド/Hitoshi Hamada group
かみふうせん、富山/Kamifu-sen, Toyama
tel; 076-491-5124
道下 和彦trio/Kazuhiko Michishita trio
at GH9(上野 Ueno)
Gt., 道下 和彦 Kazuhiko Michishita/
Fl., Miya/ Pn., Momo
GH9 info.;http://homepage1.nifty.com/ghnine/
真夏の夜のJazz/ 佐藤達哉 スーパーセッション
Live Performance vol.6 at Queen's Court, Kanazawa
Tatsuya Sato super session
T.sax, 佐藤 達哉 Tatsuya Sato
Gt., 尾田 一紘 Kazuhiro Oda
Pn,. Momo
Bs., 山本 進一 Shinichi Yamamoto
Ds., 中澤 宏明 Hiroaki Nakazawa
Miya duo/ Fl..Miya Pn., Momo
Tokyo dome Artist Caffe
English; http://www.tokyodome-hotels.co.jp/e/restaurants/artists_cafe.html
昨日、富山の"Cuore" というItalianのお店で久々にゆっくりランチを食べました。思えば、富山でのいろいろな出会いを、作ってくれた運命のお店。そして、ベジタリアンの私に、とてもうれしい、野菜がとても美味しい!レストランです。昨日は初めて、水のゼリーという物も食べました。おいしー。写真は、頂いた自家製とまと&トマトパンです。幸せになった!
I went to the Ilalian restaurant called "Cuore" in Toyama for lunch. I really like their attitude for food. I just feel that they love good and natural food and pleased to serve them to the customer. For vegetarian, like me, you can find tasty vegetable dishes there. Sometime it's hard to find "real&pure" vegetarian dish in Japan, so I was so happy about it. The picture is tomato and tomato-bread that they made them by themselves.
Thank you for coming!!
I really appreciate coming our concerts in Hokuriku. I enjoyed playing and also listening audience's voice about us. Miya has her original way to express herself in music. She can be herself in any kind of musical situation. I was so happy to play with her.
I hope we can continue this duo, and also I'm thinking new project as well as this duo. So please check it out, it'll be sometime soon.
By the way, Yesterday I went to the concert of Eiichi Hayashi, who is one of my favorite alto sax player in Japan, was playing duo with Shota Koyama on drums in Toyama. I was so amazed about their concentration, stability and creativity. Their performance was so professional in every sense of the word. Wow.
Momo+Miya in Hokuriku 北陸!
Thank you so much for coming Momo+Miya duo gig at Koendori-classics. They have a piano that sounded so beautifully. I really love it! The space is good for acoustic setting that we would like to have with this duo. A good conditioned piano and nice acoustic space are really helpful to concentrate to the music. It was really fun.
We have three gigs in Hokuriku, my home area. Please come to join us!
*7/13(Fri.) at Lush Life(富山))
show start; 8:00pm&9:30pm
2.500yen(1drink)/(学生 2.000yen)
*7/14(Sat.) at もっきりや(金沢)
show start; 7:30&8:30pm
2,500yen(at door 3,000yen)/(学生 2.000yen)
*7/15(Sun.) Jam Session at Lush Life
music charge 1.000yen+drink
Thank you so much for coming Momo+Miya duo gig at Koendori-classics. They have a piano that sounded so beautifully. I really love it! The space is good for acoustic setting that we would like to have with this duo. A good conditioned piano and nice acoustic space are really helpful to concentrate to the music. It was really fun.
We have three gigs in Hokuriku, my home area. Please come to join us!
*7/13(Fri.) at Lush Life(富山))
show start; 8:00pm&9:30pm
2.500yen(1drink)/(学生 2.000yen)
*7/14(Sat.) at もっきりや(金沢)
show start; 7:30&8:30pm
2,500yen(at door 3,000yen)/(学生 2.000yen)
*7/15(Sun.) Jam Session at Lush Life
music charge 1.000yen+drink
Momo+miya live tour vol.2
Momo+Miya, piano and flute duo is playing some dates in July. We'll play our original music. I hope you can join us!
✽7/8(Sun) at 公園道りクラシックス(渋谷)
Ko-endori classics(Shibuya)
show start; 7:30&8:30 (open 7:00pm)
2.500yen (1 drink)
✽7/13(Fri.) at Lush Life(富山, Toyama)
show start; 8:00pm&9:30pm
(学生 2.000yen)
✽7/14(Sat.) at もっきりや(金沢, Kanazawa)
show start; 7:30&8:30pm
2,500yen(at door 3,000yen)
(学生,student; 2.000yen)
✽7/15(Sun.) Session at Lush Life
music charge 1.000yen+drink