富山でlush lifeでの寺屋ナオさんとの演奏による”ライオンの見る風景 a view from a lion"のライブ音源をMysapceにアップしました。お時間のある方は聴いてみてください。I uploaded the duo performance of my somposition "A view from a lion" with Mr. Nao Teraya.
I went to the Shimamura music school which I'll start teaching soon for a meeting. I'll write more about it later.
今日はいい天気。このまま暖かくなってくれるとよいな。It's warm and nice day. I hope it will be continued...
I went to the Shimamura music school which I'll start teaching soon for a meeting. I'll write more about it later.
今日はいい天気。このまま暖かくなってくれるとよいな。It's warm and nice day. I hope it will be continued...
昨日のLush Lifeの演奏を聴きに来てくださった皆様ありがとうございました。少しだけ、不安な気持ちから離れて音楽を楽しめたので、皆様にもその楽しさが伝わったていたら嬉しいです。Lush Lifeも閉店が取りやめになり、経営続行のようで昨日、聞いてびっくりしたけれど良かったです。写真は演奏後の浜田さんと寺屋さんです。写真には写っていませんが、金沢から中沢さんがパーカッションで何曲か飛び入りしにきてくれて盛り上がりました。ありがとうございました。
Thank you so much for coming to the concert at Lush Life, Toyama. It was great to see the friends in my hometown who are doing well. I enjoyed the music very much and it was good relief from the anxiety in these few days. So I hope these feeling spread out to the audience's heart. The photo is Mr Hamada and Mr. Teraya after the gig.
いつも通り/as usualI
I'm living my life as usual. Today I had lessons in Nishiogi, Tokyo. The electricity will go out several hours tomorrow around my area, so I may be not able to write back e-mail quickly.
By the way, I will go to play in Lush life, Toyama day after tomorrow with a woderful guitar player, Mr. Nao Teraya and Mr. Hitoshi Hamada. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you in my hometown.
15日(火) 富山 Lush Life
076-421-7044 富山市太田口通り 2-4-12 角ビル 1F
Duo with 寺屋ナオ -special guest 浜田仁-
with 寺屋ナオ gt 浜田仁 gt
7:30 start 2sets ¥2,500(ワンドリンク付き/w 1drink)
I'm living my life as usual. Today I had lessons in Nishiogi, Tokyo. The electricity will go out several hours tomorrow around my area, so I may be not able to write back e-mail quickly.
By the way, I will go to play in Lush life, Toyama day after tomorrow with a woderful guitar player, Mr. Nao Teraya and Mr. Hitoshi Hamada. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you in my hometown.
15日(火) 富山 Lush Life
076-421-7044 富山市太田口通り 2-4-12 角ビル 1F
Duo with 寺屋ナオ -special guest 浜田仁-
with 寺屋ナオ gt 浜田仁 gt
7:30 start 2sets ¥2,500(ワンドリンク付き/w 1drink)
I pray for safety for the refuges and hope everyone who is still missing will be found, hopefully alive, soon in northern part of Japan.
I pray for safety for the refuges and hope everyone who is still missing will be found, hopefully alive, soon in northern part of Japan.