I baked cookies without butter, milk and egg. Tea break with them..:) This kind of relaxed short break gave me an energy to go forward of my new and busy, but extremely happy and joyful, life with my baby. Two month passed since she came to this world..I learned a lot of new things from and with her. I feel her birthday is also my 2nd birthday.
I baked cookies without butter, milk and egg. Tea break with them..:) This kind of relaxed short break gave me an energy to go forward of my new and busy, but extremely happy and joyful, life with my baby. Two month passed since she came to this world..I learned a lot of new things from and with her. I feel her birthday is also my 2nd birthday.
A Japanese traditional washtub. I bought it for bathing for my baby. She seems comfortable with it. I like the smell of the wood of it as well. It might be gorgeous if it's large enough to bath for adult...:)
A Japanese traditional washtub. I bought it for bathing for my baby. She seems comfortable with it. I like the smell of the wood of it as well. It might be gorgeous if it's large enough to bath for adult...:)
baby girl
I gave birth to a baby girl last month, 24th, Oct. It was amazing experience, and I can't describe how much I love her. I am so grateful for all the people who helped and encouraged me through my maternity period. Thank you for all the support. The new chapter of my life just has begun, and I believe it will be a greater than before even there will be a lot of difficulties to face. I will enjoy everything, if it's good or bad, with her.
cherry blossom
The photos were taken when I was walking in the park near my house in the morning. It was chilly day today. Yesterday, my mother came to visit and we had a good and warm time in my house. I always feel something lost when I said good-bye to her, but it was really nice to see her.
Thank you of coming to Momo's solo piano concert at Mori-no-terrace on last Friday. My performance, especially first half, was not so good but the audiences helped and encouraged me a lot with their smile. I'm so grateful for it. Next solo piano concert will be the early spring in 2015. I'll write more as soon as the detail will be decided.
Thank you of coming to Momo's solo piano concert at Mori-no-terrace on last Friday. My performance, especially first half, was not so good but the audiences helped and encouraged me a lot with their smile. I'm so grateful for it. Next solo piano concert will be the early spring in 2015. I'll write more as soon as the detail will be decided.
piano solo@森のテラス
Tomorrow, I will play a piano solo at Mori-no-terrace, Sengawa. This will be the last solo piano concert in this year. It will start at 2 pm and music fee is 500yen with homemade sweets(banana bread of tomorrow). Children(include babies) are very welcome. Please stop by.
Tomorrow, I will play a piano solo at Mori-no-terrace, Sengawa. This will be the last solo piano concert in this year. It will start at 2 pm and music fee is 500yen with homemade sweets(banana bread of tomorrow). Children(include babies) are very welcome. Please stop by.
江ノ島に遊びに行ってきました。写真は朝の岩場とその辺に咲いてた花。シラス食べたり、江ノ島水族館でペンギンやイルカを間近で見せて頂いたり、満喫。狭いとこでごめんね、罪深いなとは思うのですが、飼育員の方達のお話を聞いていつもお互いの交流に感動するのです。イルカショーもいつも感動して胸いっぱいになります。数年内には野生のイルカに会いに行きたい。明日は生徒さんとの交流会。おやつは卵無しクッキー、バター有りと無しにしました。楽しみ!Wes MontgomeryさんのFull Houseを聴いている。かっこいなあ!
I went to Enoshima, Kanagawa few days ago. The photo is the cliff in the morning and flower beside the road. I ate boiled young sardine which is speciality in Enoshima, and then went to the aquarium near the island. I felt guilty when I saw that we put the animals and fishes to very small area and limited their life somehow, but I always so moved when I heard the story between the animals and caretakers. So, Enoshima aquarium is one of my favourite place so far. I enjoyed this little trip very much. Dolphines...:) I hope I can go to meet wild animals in few years.
Tomorrow I will meet some students outside the school and playing piano together for having fun. It will be nice.
diary&solo pianoお知らせ
It's beautiful day:) I can hear the cheering voices for some kind of sports game from the elementary school near by. Maybe basketball? Nice...
I will play a piano solo at Mori-no-terrace, Sengawa on next Friday, 26th. Sep. Music fee is 500 yen with snacks. Children are very welcome and preschool children are free. This monthly solo piano concert which I continued about 2 and half year, will be the last one in this year. I will take some rest and next one will be the early spring on 2015. Please come to listen!
It's beautiful day:) I can hear the cheering voices for some kind of sports game from the elementary school near by. Maybe basketball? Nice...
I will play a piano solo at Mori-no-terrace, Sengawa on next Friday, 26th. Sep. Music fee is 500 yen with snacks. Children are very welcome and preschool children are free. This monthly solo piano concert which I continued about 2 and half year, will be the last one in this year. I will take some rest and next one will be the early spring on 2015. Please come to listen!
Those crazy two month were passed, finally. I feel little tired, so take the things more slowly and I will go forward step by step. On Thursday, I had a last lesson in Machida. I'm so grateful for all the people who met there, especially staff members and my students. I learned a lot, maybe more than students and that will be my precious treasure for sure.
The photo is the roses which I bought the flower shop that located near my old house. The staffs at the shop are vey kind and I will miss them. I hope I can have many great meetings in this new location as well as old one.
solo piano
明日!piano solo a t森のテラス
I just finished moving, didn't unpack thing yet though. There is beautiful park near mu new house, went to walk in the morning. Soooo nice!
Tomorrow from 2pm, I will play at Mori-no-Terrace, Sengawa. It's solo performance which I'm doing about 2 years. Music charge is 500 yen with light snack. Please come to join:)
I just finished moving, didn't unpack thing yet though. There is beautiful park near mu new house, went to walk in the morning. Soooo nice!
Tomorrow from 2pm, I will play at Mori-no-Terrace, Sengawa. It's solo performance which I'm doing about 2 years. Music charge is 500 yen with light snack. Please come to join:)
Thanks a lot!
It was my last lesson at Shimamura-gakki at Futako tamagawa. I worked there more than 3 years. I did a lot of mistakes but I learned a lot. I was so grateful the all who I met there. Thank you so much!
The photo is the present and flower that some student gave me. I was so overwhelmed...Thank you so much:))
It was my last lesson at Shimamura-gakki at Futako tamagawa. I worked there more than 3 years. I did a lot of mistakes but I learned a lot. I was so grateful the all who I met there. Thank you so much!
The photo is the present and flower that some student gave me. I was so overwhelmed...Thank you so much:))
Thanks a lot!
Momo trio、楽しかった!なんだか音楽って楽しいなあ、と音の中にいる幸福をすごく噛み締めながらピアノを弾いていました。長時間のリハにも付き合ってくださって、溢れる想像力と驚愕の瞬発力で私の曲を何千倍にも豊かにしてくださり、素晴らしい演奏をして下さった精さん、井谷君、そして暑い中足を運んで下さり集中力高く聴いて下さったお客様に心から感謝しています。ありがとうございました。写真は遊びにきてくれた歌の黒沢あやちゃんが撮ってくださった演奏中の写真。
duo rehearsal
ベースの精さんとduoのリハ終了。新しく思いついたall the thingsのアレンジの終わり方もいい感じ。いろいろ思い出しながら合わせました。トリオのリハも楽しみ。これまでのトリオでやって来た事が実りつつある予感。24日、楽しみ。
その、8/9は岸和田にいました。ソプラノの吉川真澄さんとギターの佐藤紀雄さんの新しいCD"うたほぎ vol.1"の発売記念コンサートにゲスト出演させて頂きました。台風にもかかわらず多くの方がご来場してくださっていて、吉川さんを応援する皆さんの愛をすごく感じて、ちょっとでもそれに応えられるような演奏がしたいなと思いました。吉川さんの吸引力!私にとっていろんな挑戦があったコンサートでしたが、暖かく集中して聴いて下さったお客様と、尊敬する素晴らしい演奏家のお二人に助けられて音を集中して作る事ができたかなと感じています。女声独唱の為の"春の歌"と"夏の歌"書かれた平野一郎さんと私と吉川さんで演奏した林光さんの"アメリカアメリカ"についてお話しさせてもらって、まだきのうである、という言葉や敗戦国である日本からみたアメリカという視点など、深い洞察をお聞きできて目から鱗が落ちる思いでした。平野さんの曲、吉川さんの演奏も含め本当に素晴らしかった!平野一郎さんブログ
月末はMomo trioと月例ソロ。集中したい。トリオのリハは今から。
I read the Nagasaki peace declaration on the newspaper. 69years ago on Aug. 9th, one atomic bomb killed thousands people and many suffered long after since then. The statements in this year including
the issue about the collective self-defence force was very understandable for me and we should raise our voice as an only victim of the atomic bomb in human history. I heard it was a controversial thing to touch this issue or not, but I believe it was very right choice to do it.
I was in Kishiwada that day for the concert of Ms. Yoshikawa and Mr. Sato. They just released their 2nd CD"Utahogi vol.1" day before the concert. I was a guest of the concert and played second half of it. It was challenging one for me, but the audiences are so warm and encouraging me a lot, and it was great pleasure to play with two wonderful musicians who I respect a lot, so I enjoyed to lot and I think I did the best I could. Ms. yoshikawa premiered Mr. Ichiro Hirano's song for the female solo voice called "SOMMERLIED"(song for summer). It was so touching. I loved the composition and the way she perform.
その、8/9は岸和田にいました。ソプラノの吉川真澄さんとギターの佐藤紀雄さんの新しいCD"うたほぎ vol.1"の発売記念コンサートにゲスト出演させて頂きました。台風にもかかわらず多くの方がご来場してくださっていて、吉川さんを応援する皆さんの愛をすごく感じて、ちょっとでもそれに応えられるような演奏がしたいなと思いました。吉川さんの吸引力!私にとっていろんな挑戦があったコンサートでしたが、暖かく集中して聴いて下さったお客様と、尊敬する素晴らしい演奏家のお二人に助けられて音を集中して作る事ができたかなと感じています。女声独唱の為の"春の歌"と"夏の歌"書かれた平野一郎さんと私と吉川さんで演奏した林光さんの"アメリカアメリカ"についてお話しさせてもらって、まだきのうである、という言葉や敗戦国である日本からみたアメリカという視点など、深い洞察をお聞きできて目から鱗が落ちる思いでした。平野さんの曲、吉川さんの演奏も含め本当に素晴らしかった!平野一郎さんブログ
月末はMomo trioと月例ソロ。集中したい。トリオのリハは今から。
I read the Nagasaki peace declaration on the newspaper. 69years ago on Aug. 9th, one atomic bomb killed thousands people and many suffered long after since then. The statements in this year including
the issue about the collective self-defence force was very understandable for me and we should raise our voice as an only victim of the atomic bomb in human history. I heard it was a controversial thing to touch this issue or not, but I believe it was very right choice to do it.
I was in Kishiwada that day for the concert of Ms. Yoshikawa and Mr. Sato. They just released their 2nd CD"Utahogi vol.1" day before the concert. I was a guest of the concert and played second half of it. It was challenging one for me, but the audiences are so warm and encouraging me a lot, and it was great pleasure to play with two wonderful musicians who I respect a lot, so I enjoyed to lot and I think I did the best I could. Ms. yoshikawa premiered Mr. Ichiro Hirano's song for the female solo voice called "SOMMERLIED"(song for summer). It was so touching. I loved the composition and the way she perform.
うたほぎ vol.1 発売中
Ms. Yoshikawa showed me her latest CD with Mr. Norio Sato during the rehearsal. I arranged one of the song in this album, called "Umi"(sea). I didn't listen it yet, but I'm looking forward to.
Ms. Yoshikawa showed me her latest CD with Mr. Norio Sato during the rehearsal. I arranged one of the song in this album, called "Umi"(sea). I didn't listen it yet, but I'm looking forward to.
Trigonometria+9 plays ELLINGTON and more
今日は松本さんのバンドTrigonometria+9 、新宿pit innで8時からです。お時間のある方は是非聴きにいらしてください。松本さんのFacebookページより以下、メンバー紹介です。私洋琴、弾いてます。
Trigonometria+9 plays ELLINGTON and more
結構な大所帯になります、歌:木村美保, 横笛:太田朱美・小林 豊美、竪笛:小森慶子、金属製先曲がり音響喇叭:松風鉱一、喇叭 :茅野嘉亮、中西暁子、妖怪的四弦:水谷浩章、洋琴:MOMO、 太鼓:外山明、大村亘
楽しい音楽を用意してお待ちしております、ぜひともよろしくおね がいします。
Trigonometria+9 plays ELLINGTON and more
結構な大所帯になります、歌:木村美保, 横笛:太田朱美・小林
梅干し。土用過ぎちゃったけど、天気予報がずっと晴れだもの。今日もスカッと暑いですなあ。綺麗な空。昨日ラジオで偶然耳にした"藤色の明け方"という表現、なんだか心に残っている。朝日が溶けて行く瞬間って特別な感じがする。ずっと気になっていたBalla FleckのThrow down your heart2を購入。このシリーズ好きだ。
The Japanese plum pickles is drying under the sun. The weather forecast said we have hot and sunny day in this whole week. I made a lot of them this year.
The Japanese plum pickles is drying under the sun. The weather forecast said we have hot and sunny day in this whole week. I made a lot of them this year.
I went to the acupuncture and moxibustion clinic to get a massage and moxa cautery. The staff told me that we have to be careful the chill during the summer more than winter, because of the air conditioner, and she taught me how to defend ourselves from it. Eastern medicine seems very logical and I'm very curious about it.
I went to the acupuncture and moxibustion clinic to get a massage and moxa cautery. The staff told me that we have to be careful the chill during the summer more than winter, because of the air conditioner, and she taught me how to defend ourselves from it. Eastern medicine seems very logical and I'm very curious about it.
The season of the watermelon came:) yum...This week, I have some time for myself, so I will try to do the things slowly, treat the things with my own pace, which is really nice to me, and hopefully I can finish the things on my to do list, one by one at least.
The season of the watermelon came:) yum...This week, I have some time for myself, so I will try to do the things slowly, treat the things with my own pace, which is really nice to me, and hopefully I can finish the things on my to do list, one by one at least.
I was writing the score when the thunder just struck near my house. It was so close and I was so surprised...It was just a shower and it already stop now. I finished writing the score of Toyama folksong arranged by Mr. Mamiya. I prefer more simple lead-sheet like part for me but it didn't work, or I will find good chord to work soon. Anyway, I have to practice, for sure.
8月のコンサートのリハが続けてあった。どれも濃密な内容。楽しみ。スパティフィラムの花が咲きそう。すっかり暑いし植物は嬉しいんだろうか。湿気もあるし。今日は山下洋輔さんのBig bandを聴きに行く。松本さんの編曲。どんななんだろう。
In these 2 or 3 days, I had some rehearsal of concerts in Aug. The songs we will play are all rich, gorgeous and somehow difficult. I should prepare for it but I'm really looking forward it.
The photo is Spathiphyllum in my home and it will bloom soon!
In these 2 or 3 days, I had some rehearsal of concerts in Aug. The songs we will play are all rich, gorgeous and somehow difficult. I should prepare for it but I'm really looking forward it.
The photo is Spathiphyllum in my home and it will bloom soon!
It was my 38th birthday. I was so happy and grateful that many of my friends sent my warm wishes. Thank you so much!! I also thank you for my family who support me all the time. I was helped by so many people since I was born, so I hope I can somehow give them back while I go forward step by step in my life. Life is always full of surprise, some are happy one and some are not, but I want to enjoy every moments and whatever comes next, I will try to do my best and try to keep smiling. The photos are flower that my family gave and Japanese handkerchief printed with "training-goldfish(!?)" which one of my students gave me:)