My daughter's shoes became small in several months! We went shopping yesterday and she chose her favourite one. Her determination is so quick and she doesn't hesitate at all. I like it. We bought our favourite fruits cake as well.
I was listening "chii-sana-sora(little sky)" by Mr. Toru Takemitsu for arranging reference. There are many versions existed, but I always feel that song itself is so great. It's hot as usual..!
When I was in my cousin's house, cousin's son, who is with down syndrome, showed deep sympathy for his sister. It was huge, and he is almost crying. I was so touched to see it. I don't have such a huge energy and spaces for another person. So noble...
I was listening "chii-sana-sora(little sky)" by Mr. Toru Takemitsu for arranging reference. There are many versions existed, but I always feel that song itself is so great. It's hot as usual..!
When I was in my cousin's house, cousin's son, who is with down syndrome, showed deep sympathy for his sister. It was huge, and he is almost crying. I was so touched to see it. I don't have such a huge energy and spaces for another person. So noble...
I was playing piano at Mori-no-terrace on Thursday, but nobody showed up...It happens sometime. So I played the tunes I was trying to memorise them, and accompanied for the owner's daughter. She's so cute and active. The photo is donuts which I bought in Sengawa and banana juice.
On Friday, I went to nursery home in Yokohama to give classes of...I don't know how I should call, music or English or dancing...Anyway, I played with 40 to 60 children with all my might. They are so Genki! And their smiles! Oh I was so regretted how I behave to my daughter in general. I should be more patient and be grateful for her, for sure.
Yesterday, I scolded to her again...She was not in good mood at all. I was exhausted. But we went out in the evening and met some gentle and smily people there. I re-charged to myself to see it. Thanks...!
I was playing piano at Mori-no-terrace on Thursday, but nobody showed up...It happens sometime. So I played the tunes I was trying to memorise them, and accompanied for the owner's daughter. She's so cute and active. The photo is donuts which I bought in Sengawa and banana juice.
On Friday, I went to nursery home in Yokohama to give classes of...I don't know how I should call, music or English or dancing...Anyway, I played with 40 to 60 children with all my might. They are so Genki! And their smiles! Oh I was so regretted how I behave to my daughter in general. I should be more patient and be grateful for her, for sure.
Yesterday, I scolded to her again...She was not in good mood at all. I was exhausted. But we went out in the evening and met some gentle and smily people there. I re-charged to myself to see it. Thanks...!
工作。糊付けがたのしかったらしく、今朝は床に糊付けしてました。Oh my goodness!!面白い。すごく久しぶり、多分10年ぶりくらいにStevie Wonderのsupersttitionを聴いた。やっぱりかっこいい。
I was visiting my cousin's house and my lovely daughter made that art;) She has einjoyed to paste the small wooden parts on the cardboard with glue, and she did same things on the floor in this morning...! Oh my...Cleaning is one of my main works since she was boen!
My cousin lend me Stevie Wonder's album. Maybe last time I heard it was almost 10 years ago..still so cool.
I was visiting my cousin's house and my lovely daughter made that art;) She has einjoyed to paste the small wooden parts on the cardboard with glue, and she did same things on the floor in this morning...! Oh my...Cleaning is one of my main works since she was boen!
My cousin lend me Stevie Wonder's album. Maybe last time I heard it was almost 10 years ago..still so cool.
I saw mom or dad&child gorilla besides street whole I rode on my bike. It was just like my ordinary day and it made me smile. I was not so content with some of the incident that happened today, but it is important to go forward and think positive. I ate delicious tempura by my cousin with her family for dinner.
I saw mom or dad&child gorilla besides street whole I rode on my bike. It was just like my ordinary day and it made me smile. I was not so content with some of the incident that happened today, but it is important to go forward and think positive. I ate delicious tempura by my cousin with her family for dinner.
Tom Piersonさんのピアノを聴きに行って(素晴らしかった!)、OrchestraのCDを購入。頭の中、どうなっているんだろう。自由で強靭。
It was my 41st birthday. I was so calm, extremely calm... I was in very noisy and crowded waterpark but I felt it was so quiet. My daughter suddenly cried and cried and cried, and hit my arms with all her might, but my heart was like a lake in the deep woods. Soon quiet. I think that was gift from somewhere that beyond my world. I really enjoyed and was so grateful for this amazing day.
Thank you for mom and dad for giving birth of me. Thank you for my daughter for being so "Genki". Many of my friends sent messages. I appreciate for them from bottom of my heart. Thank you so much.
I went to listen Mr. Tom Pierson's piano solo. It was amazing...! Free and so strong.
It was very hot day yesterday. Hot and humid, typical "Japanese summer". However, there are many trees around Mori-No-Terrace and they blocked the strong sunshine somehow. So inside the room was cooler than other place even without air conditioner.
I was so glad to see my old friends, with her partner and cute kids, person who I met before and wanted talk more, my close friend and completely new people for me together in one place. I felt that it is very fortunate to have those meetings in my life. Thank you for coming.
About playing, I'm still struggling a lot. step by step to be better than before. It takes long time...
Yoko-Cyan, my friend, brought some sweets for us. Thanks a lot!
It was very hot day yesterday. Hot and humid, typical "Japanese summer". However, there are many trees around Mori-No-Terrace and they blocked the strong sunshine somehow. So inside the room was cooler than other place even without air conditioner.
I was so glad to see my old friends, with her partner and cute kids, person who I met before and wanted talk more, my close friend and completely new people for me together in one place. I felt that it is very fortunate to have those meetings in my life. Thank you for coming.
About playing, I'm still struggling a lot. step by step to be better than before. It takes long time...
Yoko-Cyan, my friend, brought some sweets for us. Thanks a lot!
明日7/6 piano solo
告知が遅くなりましたが、双子姉妹duoの山田姉妹のデビューアルバム"あなた 〜よみがえる青春のメロディー"に3曲参加しています。詳しくはこちらから!
solo piano 7/6(木)
piano solo
7/6(木) 仙川 森のテラス 03-3307-1987 東京都調布市若葉町1-32-13
piano solo
7/6(木) 仙川 森のテラス 03-3307-1987 東京都調布市若葉町1-32-13
Thanks a lot! ありがとうございました。
音楽の内容や音楽の質とか完成度は置いておいて、このソロピアノは一生忘れないと思う。指も頭も全然思い通りにならないんだけれど、なにかしなくてはというこのままピアノが弾けなくなるという恐怖にかられて決めたコンサートで、この数年に出会った音楽家の方が家族と足を運んでくださり、テラスのスタッフの方も変わらず受け入れてくださり、どんぐりころころも、武満徹さんの小さな空も、In a mellow toneも、I mean youも、ポニョもトトロも並列に、自由な環境でピアノが弾けるのが、そこに音楽を大好きな人達がいて、一緒に音楽を演奏するのが、心の底から嬉しくてたまらなかった。他になんにも思わなかった。がけっぷちにいた私のピアノ人生の再スタート地点として、最高の送り出し方をして頂けたと思っています。わっしー、しゅうとくさん、めぐちゃん、可愛くて元気いっぱいの子供たち、本当にありがとうございました。心から感謝です。ここからがイバラの道だーー。私、がんばりましょう。演奏は本当に笑うくらい思い通りにならない。。。ギターの加藤さんがよくおっしゃるtry best。受け入れて毎日続けるしかないのです。