大雪の中、jazz workshopに聴きにきてくださった方々、大変ありがとうございました。ゲストにドラムの中井さんもきてくださって、楽しく演奏できました。”雪庭”という私の曲を武田さんと一緒にやると、違う曲みたいでとても新鮮でした。うれしかった!一つの曲が演奏者によって全く変わっていくのは、私がjazzの中でとても好きな事のひとつです。
Thank you for coming duo gig at jazz workshop tonight in spite of the bad weather. I appreciate it a lot! It was fun to play with Mr takeda. Espescially, I was happy to play one of my compositions that was inspired by winter view in Toyama called "snow garden" on this best suited, heavy snowy day with Toyama native bass player, Mr. Takeda. He inspired me a lot and I felt like it was the first time to play this piece because it was completely different from what I thought about my own song. It is one of the great things in jazz music. He make me realize new direction of my composition.