
not one more

カリフォルニアの銃乱射事件、被害者のお父さんの会見を見た。Sandy Hookの事件もまだ記憶に新しい。アメリカは変わってゆくんだろうか。アスペルガー症候群や自閉症の方への偏見や差別につながらない事を切に願いつつ、犠牲になられた方々のご冥福をお祈り致します。BBC news
I felt strong sympathy with him. One of the victim's father spoke about the California shooting. (BBC news) I understand the problems are not so simple but his words are so simple, strong and touching. I respectfully offer my condolences to the victims and hopefully it will never happen again. Also I really hope it won't connect to any discrimination against Asperger's syndrome.