
晴れ間/ Sunny day

つかの間の晴れ間。間宮さんのさんさい踊り、C minor triadの上のDbとDの共存が違和感ないなあ。きれい。細かい所も全体も美しくてバランスがとてもよいのだなあと勉強していて思います。自分が弾くパートと紀雄さんが弾くパート、そしてキーどうしよう。まだまだ体に入らない。
I enjoyed the sunny day during this rainy season, there were rain shower in the morning though. I almost killed my adiantum last summer because of high temperature and I didn't give enough water to them, but it just grow new leaves. I'm very happy about it and amazed their vitality.

I'm still studying Mr. Mamiya, Japanese composer and famous about studying Japanese folk songs and traditional music, for the concert. I don't know why he put Db and D at the same time on the c minor triad. It sounds magically beautiful with the context of the music. He puts those notes in the very high range of the piano, so it sounds like a Glockenspiel. I heard he is very good piano player as well as a composer, so he can write the notes like this. I have to arrange this piano accompaniment to guitar and piano, for myself...I need more time to think about the balance of gt. and pn., also I have to think about my own playing. I prefer to play this song like a jazz standards. Let's see....