いい天気でした。今日は久しぶりにジムに走りに行った後、アレンジの仕上げをしています。Guitar, Violin, Fluteという編成で、Vn.とFl.はあまり馴染みがなくてもっと勉強しないと、と思っています。自分で触ってみてもVn.もFl.も音がまず出ない。。。。ギターは一年前より大分音の想像がつくのですが。頑張ろう。
It's nice warm day. I went to the gym to run in the morning, was so nice.
Now I'm finishing the arranging for Guitar, Violin, and Flute. So, this week I was trying to play violin to check the notes but it doesn't even make a sound for me....I'll try later, at least I would like to play the "right" sound.