少し前に、小澤 征爾さんが指揮するオペラを観てきました。あのエネルギー、集中力、音楽!まるで、自分の家のどこかにいくみたいにダダーッと指揮台に駆け上がってきて、音楽を創っていた。すごいオーラというか、気というかなにか目に見えない物がある方でした。感動!
I had a chance to see the opera, "Eugeni onehin" by Pyotr Tchaikovsky which conducted by one of my favorite conductor, Mr. Seiji Ozawa about a week ago. I was so amazed about his energy, passion and concentration which was kept high from beginning to end. In his book, which he wrote years ago, he said the conductor need some kind of "Aura" not only musical knowledge and conducting technique. I'v never seen the conductor like him who has such an attracitive aura. It was impressive.
I'm pleased to announce gig with tenor saxophonist, Bob Shepperd in Kanazawa in May. Please come to join us!
Bob Shepperd(ts) with 席亭グループ
2008・5・3 @ もっきりや/Mokkiriya
info; http://www.spacelan.ne.jp/~mokkiriya/