日曜の舞踏との即興に足を運んでくださった方々、ありがとうございました。私にとっても新しい体験でエネルギーを頂きました。みなさんにもたのしんでいただけていれば、嬉しいなー。写真はPavel Trnka氏と舞踏の谷さんです。
Thank you for coming to the concert with Buto dancer, Eiji Tani on Sunday at Gallery Bau, Toyama. It was kind of interesting situation that I've never had it. I enjoyed the playing very much, but, honestly I was not so sure about my playing was "right" answer to the dancer. I hope the audience enjoyed the concert as well as me. The photo is sculptor, Pavel Trnka and dancer, Eiji Tani.