in F!
7/26、大泉学園"in F"でMiyaとduoでした。8/3、富山で行う" GREEN BLOOD"の曲やMiyaの新しいアルバムの中からの曲などを自由に演奏できて、新しい曲もだんだん情景や色が見えてきてとても楽しかったです。きてくださった方、マスターに感謝です。日曜は私がずっと帰国以来ずっとやっている絵本+音楽というダウン症の子供達のための企画で神奈川に。
I played duo with wonderful flute player, Miya last Saturday at "in F" in Oizumi Gakuenn, Tokyo. We played my pieces from coming concert in Toyama called "GREEN BLOOD" and Miya's pieces from her super cool, new album, "Miya's book; Music for seven days" .
It was a lot of fun to play! I appreciate the audience and the master of in F a lot.
The photo is a sunset view from the train called "romance care" which runs through Kanagawa to Tokyo.
Miya+Momo at In F, tomorrow!
8月3日の映像とのコラボレーションとはまた別に、Momo+Miya Duoの演奏があります!新曲もいろいろやりますので、お時間がある方は是非遊びに来てください。
Momo+Miya duo will appear in July at both Kanazawa and Tokyo, so Please come to join us!
at "In F"
電話 03−3925−6967
website; http://homepage2.nifty.com/in-f/
20:00 start (2 sets)
music charge 2,800円
Momo+Miya duo will appear in July at both Kanazawa and Tokyo, so Please come to join us!
at "In F"
電話 03−3925−6967
website; http://homepage2.nifty.com/in-f/
20:00 start (2 sets)
music charge 2,800円
8/3、GREEN BLOODのチケットも置かせてもらっている、富山の大好きなcafe、room on earthの2階に最近、Openした天然素材の化粧品やアロマオイルのお店、"HANA"。いいにおいがしていて、いつも、すーっと安らぐことができる気持ちよい場所です。写真は店内の様子です。
There is a cafe in Toyama called "room on earth", and the new, organic beauty supply shop opened recently on the 2nd floor. The shop, called "HANA", always smells good and it make me relaxed. By the way...In the cafe, you can buy the ticket of "GREEN BLOOD" on 3rd Aug.
video/GREEN BLOOD by Mr. Pavel Trnka
今日Trnka氏の映像の試写にいってきました!かっこいい!!吸い込まれる、広がる、不思議な何秒間、を体験しました。どうやったらああいう事を思いつくのだろう????Pavel, Ondrikありがとう!!心から感謝です。いい演奏をお届けできるよう頑張ろう、と決意を新たにしています!
I went the test screenings of Mr. Trnka's video art, and saw it very first time, in this afternoon at Orbis, Hall at Toyama which is run by Toyama Prefecture. I was so amazed by his video art! It took me to other dimension of the world in a split second and was really clear to understand his philosophy. I really appreciate Mr. Pavel Trnka and his son, Mr. Ondrik Trnka. Wow!!
I went the test screenings of Mr. Trnka's video art, and saw it very first time, in this afternoon at Orbis, Hall at Toyama which is run by Toyama Prefecture. I was so amazed by his video art! It took me to other dimension of the world in a split second and was really clear to understand his philosophy. I really appreciate Mr. Pavel Trnka and his son, Mr. Ondrik Trnka. Wow!!
8/1(Fri.) Momo+Miya on Toyama city FM!
8/1(Fri.) 富山city FM "もうすぐお昼です。"という番組にフルートのMiyaと出演しています。8/3の"GREEN BLOOD"のお知らせや、jazzを始めたきっかけなどを話しています。番組は、午前11時30分〜午後12時00分までで、Momo+Miyaが出演するのは11:40頃です。偶然ラジオの前にいらっしゃったら、是非聴いてみてください。
Momo+Miya will appear on Toyama city FM program called "Mousugu Ohiru-desu" on Aug. 1st, Fri..We introduced the concert "GREEN BLOOD" on Aug. 3rd, Sun., and also you can hear the interviews that our start of jazz. The program put on the air from 11:30am to 12:00pm every, Mon. to Fri.
Toyama city FM; http://www.city-fm.co.jp/
"もうすぐお昼です。" (平日11時30分〜12時00分)
8/1(Fri.)放送;ゲストMomo, Miya
Momo+Miya will appear on Toyama city FM program called "Mousugu Ohiru-desu" on Aug. 1st, Fri..We introduced the concert "GREEN BLOOD" on Aug. 3rd, Sun., and also you can hear the interviews that our start of jazz. The program put on the air from 11:30am to 12:00pm every, Mon. to Fri.
Toyama city FM; http://www.city-fm.co.jp/
"もうすぐお昼です。" (平日11時30分〜12時00分)
8/1(Fri.)放送;ゲストMomo, Miya
今日は富山NHK FMの音楽番組にMomo+Miya duoで演奏でした。M cubeというジャズコーラスの方々と一緒にsessionもあり、楽しかった!
新曲、初演+Momo うたをうたう、も聴けます。
7/28(Sun) 10:00pm~
NHKとやま放送局、FMラジオ「とやまミュージックJAM」81.5MHz ]
NHK Toyama FM radio "Toyama music Jam" 81.5MHz
毎月最終日曜日、夜10時〜放送/ every last sunday, from 22:00~
Momo+Miya duo will appear the Toyama local radio program called
"Toyama music Jam" on last Sunday on July. We recorded it tonight at HNK Toyama studio. it was very fun session! You can hear my latest original pieces and my singing as well! Pleasae check it out!
Tomorrow, Momo+Miya at Mokkiriya at Kanazawa! I'm really excited about it. It should be fun!!
新曲、初演+Momo うたをうたう、も聴けます。
7/28(Sun) 10:00pm~
NHKとやま放送局、FMラジオ「とやまミュージックJAM」81.5MHz ]
NHK Toyama FM radio "Toyama music Jam" 81.5MHz
毎月最終日曜日、夜10時〜放送/ every last sunday, from 22:00~
Momo+Miya duo will appear the Toyama local radio program called
"Toyama music Jam" on last Sunday on July. We recorded it tonight at HNK Toyama studio. it was very fun session! You can hear my latest original pieces and my singing as well! Pleasae check it out!
Tomorrow, Momo+Miya at Mokkiriya at Kanazawa! I'm really excited about it. It should be fun!!
Momo+Miya at Mokkiriya, Tomorrow, 7/18!!
明日、7/18(Fri.) 、大好きな、素晴らしいフルート奏者、Miyaと金沢、もっきりやで演奏します!今回は8/3に富山で行う Pavel Trnka氏の映像とのコラボレーションコンサート、"GREEN BLOOD" in 金沢ということで、色をテーマにした私のオリジナルとスタンダードも織り交ぜて、楽しくお届けしたいと思っています。Momo、歌う、もあります! 暑い日が続いていますが、お時間がある方は是非、なごみに来てください!
I'll perform with wonderful flute player, Miya tomorrow, 7/18(FRi.) at Mokkiriya, Kanazawa. We'll play the original pieces that was inspired by colors of nature as well as some jazz standard songs. Please come to join us!
7/18(Fri.) "GREEN BLOOD" in Kanazawa!
at もっきりや http://www.spacelan.ne.jp/~mokkiriya/
music chage 3000円 (学生2500円)
Miya (Fl.) http://miya-music.com/
偶然つけたNHK FMで、すごくかっこいい音楽がかかっていた。びっくりして聴いていたら、武満 徹作曲賞の入賞曲でした。私がきいたのは上位2曲でしたが、あとの曲も気になります!
I was so surprised when I turned on the radio in the car this afternoon, because there was an amazingly cool, new music unlike the music from the radio program. I found out that It was a program about Toru Takemitsu award '08. Wow!
I was so surprised when I turned on the radio in the car this afternoon, because there was an amazingly cool, new music unlike the music from the radio program. I found out that It was a program about Toru Takemitsu award '08. Wow!
素敵なオーナーのひろよさんと、美味しいケーキとお茶とベーグルが楽しい"caffe toris"。写真は"life is beautiful" という8月の野外イベントのフライヤーを手にしてのオーナーのひろよさんと、とても美味しかった&かわいかったラズベリーソーダとコンサート"GREEN BLOOD"のちらしです。プリンもケーキも美味しそうだった!
I went to the caffe called "cafe trois", Toyama in this afternoon. I love the tart there! The photos are lovely owner of the caffe, Hiroyo with the flyer of the event called "life is beautiful' on Aug. and raspberry soda!
Caffe trois; http://www.cafetrois.com/
Hall Friends Club!/ toyama local radio show.
8/17(木) 放送のFM富山の音楽やアート文化を紹介する番組、”Hall Friends Club” に 8/3のコンサート、"GREEN BLOOD"
I'll appear on a Toyama lacoa radio program called ”Hall Friends Club” which was hosted by announcer, Keiko Takagishi and Fu-san from Otani fureai station. We introduce the coming concert, "GREEN BLOOD" on Aug. 3rd and also you can listen my live recording with flute player, Miya, studio recording which I made it in Boston when I was at Berklee college of music and some tunes from Miya's new album as well on the program. If you'll be front of the radio incidentally on Aug.17, please check it out!
8/17(Thur.) Hall Friends Club 20:00-20:30 /FM Toyama 82.7MHz]
info; http://www.fmtoyama.co.jp/program/program_8.html
投稿 (Atom)