
video/GREEN BLOOD by Mr. Pavel Trnka

今日Trnka氏の映像の試写にいってきました!かっこいい!!吸い込まれる、広がる、不思議な何秒間、を体験しました。どうやったらああいう事を思いつくのだろう????Pavel, Ondrikありがとう!!心から感謝です。いい演奏をお届けできるよう頑張ろう、と決意を新たにしています!
I went the test screenings of Mr. Trnka's video art, and saw it very first time, in this afternoon at Orbis, Hall at Toyama which is run by Toyama Prefecture. I was so amazed by his video art! It took me to other dimension of the world in a split second and was really clear to understand his philosophy. I really appreciate Mr. Pavel Trnka and his son, Mr. Ondrik Trnka. Wow!!