ギターの廣木光一さんのバンド、Cool Glade 5 Plays Tristano-Konitzを横浜エアジンに聴きに行ってきました。想像していたより、もっともっと自由な音で、音楽はいいなー、と改めて感動しました。
廣木光一さんのofficial site; http://www.hirokimusic.com/
I went to the gig of the band called "Cool Grade" which guitar player, Mr. Koichi Hiroki is leading. It was my first time to listen to the band, and I didn't know it was the first gig with drums in the band. The sound of the band is very natural, at least for me and it was really good gig which all the members of the band seems that they were playing with natural and freely flow.
Here's a info of Mr. Hiroki; http://www.hirokimusic.com/e.html