桜も空も/cherry blossom, sky....
桜もほころび始めましたが、寒い!冬に逆戻りの3月末です。The cherry blossom is blooming but so chilly...!
I will play duo with a wonderful guitar player, Mr.Nao Teraya tomorrow in both kanazawa and Toyama. I'm so excited to play front of my hometown audience who always give me a lot of power. I'm looking forward to see all. Plaese come o join us!
Momo+寺屋ナオ Duo! ー金沢&富山ー
3月30日 金沢 RIVERSIDE
金沢市片町一丁目8-24 ホクリク犀川ビル4F Tel:076-216-5622
9:00pm 開演 2sets ¥2,000 drink 別
3月31日 富山 カフェ トロワ
富山市清水町4-1-1-1A Tel: 076-411-8816
7:00pm 開演 2sets ¥2,500 1drink付き
w/ 寺屋 ナオ g
桜が!/cherry blossom!
It was really warm today and cherry blossoms almost open up in the park which famous about them. nice...
It’s been a year since I came to Tokyo. I appreciate that I had a lot of meeting with the people since them. End of this month, I will play in my hometown area which is supporting me in all senses. So, it's simply my pleasure to back there to meet the people and play again. I'll do my best.
It was really warm today and cherry blossoms almost open up in the park which famous about them. nice...
It’s been a year since I came to Tokyo. I appreciate that I had a lot of meeting with the people since them. End of this month, I will play in my hometown area which is supporting me in all senses. So, it's simply my pleasure to back there to meet the people and play again. I'll do my best.
ちょっと先のお知らせですが、私のソロ、歌や曲やいろいろふくめてやりたい事を思い切り!というソロを高田馬場Sunny Sideで6/19(土)のお昼!にすることが決定しました。お店の方ともいろいろお話して、いろんな方に私を知っていただきたいな、という企画です。また詳細がきまったら載せたいと思います。いろいろやりたい事があるな。楽しみです。
cake! I can't stop it...
Yesterday, I was talking with the owner of the jazz club, "Sunny Side", Takadano-baba, Shinjyuku, and we decided the solo cafe concert in June. I'm so excited about it.... I will write more later.
三月のうた/In the Month of March
It's been little chilly even in March. "in the Month of March" is the title of the one of the Mr. Takemitsu's songs with words by japanese poet, Mr. Shuntaro Tanikawa. They created a couple of songs and I like them very much. They have certain "air" in them...
I listen the rich live music tonight and last night, and I just felt that I returned from the travel around the universe. Music flies with the heart...!
I was taken singing lesson by Ms. Maki hachiya last night. It was really fun and I realized a lot of new factors in my own song that I've never realized before. wow. We went to the Korean restaurant after that, Yammy........
I was taken singing lesson by Ms. Maki hachiya last night. It was really fun and I realized a lot of new factors in my own song that I've never realized before. wow. We went to the Korean restaurant after that, Yammy........
pink in blue.
We had a beautiful and full rounded moon last night.
最近、気になっていたpick up付きのsuzuki×HAMMONDという鍵盤ハーモニカを楽器屋さんで試奏してきました。最近でたばかりのメタルカバーの新しいモデルはかなり音が抜けるようでした。音域もひろくてよさそうだなー。楽しかった。私は楽器がピアノなのでそんなに楽器屋さんに頻繁にはいかないけれど、行くといろんな楽器があって楽しい。。。
I went to the music store for test playing of keybiard harmonica by Suzuki × Hammond which be able to connect to the amplifier with the cable. It was interesting sound and I think it should be good in the band situation.
Momo ×寺屋ナオ Duo!
3月30日(火) 金沢 RIVERSIDE
3月31日(水) 富山 カフェ トロワ
Momo"s official website; http://www.momopiano.com
I"m pleased announce duo tour with guitar player, Mr. Nao Teraya in Hokuriku end of this month. I'm really looking forward it and seeing all the people around my hometown. For more information, please visit my official site.
Momo"s official website; http://www.momopiano.com
4月2日 学芸大学 珈琲美学 w/ Miya fl "美学のぉと vol. 4"
4月8日 西荻窪 アケタの店
w/ 吉野 弘志 b 蜂谷 真紀 vo
4月13日 渋谷 公園道り クラシックス
w/吉野 弘志 b 外山 明 ds 吉川 真澄 vo
リーダーライブです。武満 徹さんのsongsから何曲かと、オリジナルを演奏します。
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