おばさんにもらったイチゴジャム。美味。火曜日はroosterで俊太郎さんのバンドでした。素晴らしいメンバーにすごく助けられて楽しく演奏できました。来て下さったお客様ありがとうございます。今週土曜、葉山 ラ・マーレ・ド・日影茶屋で俊太郎さんのトリオもあります。ベースは大学の先輩、斉藤草平さん。実は演奏するの初めてです。楽しみ。19:30からです。
My aunt gave me her strawberry jam when I was in Toyama last week. yummy!
It was fun to play with Mr. Harada's great band. Thank you so much for coming. I'll play with Mr. Harada on this Saturday with bass player, Mr. Sohei Saito who is my senior of Senzoku university. Please check it out.
I heard that the lady who had came to Mr. Harada's gig often and I had met her several times had passed away recently. I feel very sad to hear it. There are no assurances to meet the same person again for sure, but sometimes I just forget this truth and think about the future opportunity instead of the present moment. May her soul rest i peace.