東京多摩市和田にある「ななやま緑地」の保全の記録短編映像「きのこえがきこえる」のためのMomoの曲集「光ふる森」が完成しました。 映画の製作委員会のメンバー、Tripodの高橋義博さんに映画のテーマ曲をというお話を頂いた事がきっかけで取り組んだ作品です。
My songbook of piano short pieces, "Hikari furu mori" has just released in Nov. I've composed those songs for short movie called "Kino-Koe-Ga-Kikoeru(I can hear voices of trees)". It's documentary film about Nanayama wood in Tama city in Tokyo and people who put their energy and knowledge to save the environment on Nanayama. Mr. takahashi, director of the film, had asked me to write a theme song for it few years ago and it was the very beginning of this musical journey.
I have been helped so many professionals through this project and every time I was so moved how people are amazingly skilled. They also have rich imagination to create something beyond my expectation. Wisdom, passion and deep understanding of own field...I was very lucky to work with them and so grateful for them to share their outstanding abilities with me.
I love this CD very much including the whole process of this project. I learned a lot, really. You can see more informtion