江ノ島に遊びに行ってきました。写真は朝の岩場とその辺に咲いてた花。シラス食べたり、江ノ島水族館でペンギンやイルカを間近で見せて頂いたり、満喫。狭いとこでごめんね、罪深いなとは思うのですが、飼育員の方達のお話を聞いていつもお互いの交流に感動するのです。イルカショーもいつも感動して胸いっぱいになります。数年内には野生のイルカに会いに行きたい。明日は生徒さんとの交流会。おやつは卵無しクッキー、バター有りと無しにしました。楽しみ!Wes MontgomeryさんのFull Houseを聴いている。かっこいなあ!
I went to Enoshima, Kanagawa few days ago. The photo is the cliff in the morning and flower beside the road. I ate boiled young sardine which is speciality in Enoshima, and then went to the aquarium near the island. I felt guilty when I saw that we put the animals and fishes to very small area and limited their life somehow, but I always so moved when I heard the story between the animals and caretakers. So, Enoshima aquarium is one of my favourite place so far. I enjoyed this little trip very much. Dolphines...:) I hope I can go to meet wild animals in few years.
Tomorrow I will meet some students outside the school and playing piano together for having fun. It will be nice.