今日のテラスでのsolo piano、来てくださった方々ありがとうございました。椰子の実を一緒に歌ってくださったり、直したばかりの自分の曲や武満さんの曲を弾いたり柔らかい感じだったかしら。年末の慌ただしさを忘れるようと言ってくださって嬉しかった。写真は飾ってあったカリン?かな、とドングリです。
It's always special to play a solo piano at Terrace at Sengawa. A quiet wooden room with natural noise and close audience brought out something very pure in me and core of music that I have now, I just feel. I play the piano but something bigger made me to create music itself and I can feel the music so close to me. I hope we can share that kind of feeling with the guests. I played Japanese childrensongs and Mr. Takemitsu's songs today. Those melody are so beautiful and "friendly" to me.