


英語の勉強も兼ねてJapan timesという新聞をとっているのだけれど、日本の政治家の発言を改めてちがう言語で読んで、これが日本にいるいろんな国の人々にこのニュアンスで伝わっているんだな、と思うとすごく暗い気持ちになった。人によっては質の悪い冗談だと思ってくれるかもしれない。俄には信じがたいから。


It's really nice day with a cool breeze. I usually run in the morning and especially in this season with full of greens everywhere, I felt great pleasure while I'm running.

By the way, one of my way to learn English is a reading news paper, Japan Times. I've just read the article about one Japanese politician's remarks. I just imagine how thousands people from all over the world, and living in this country, think and feel when they read what he said. I just couldn't believe my eyes and felt so bad. It was just like a nightmare.

For expelling evil, I'm listening Bach's Matthäus-Passion, and then, I have to revise my scores!