今日は、素晴らしいフルート奏者のMiyaさんとのduo。3回目になる、"美学のぉと"です。今回のテーマは "秋のいろ 月のおと"。
Ther 3rd concerts of the series called " Bigaku note" at coffe-Bigaku, gakugeidaigaku, with wonderful flute player. Ms. Miya.
This time's theme is " Autumn color, moon sound". the autumn in Japan is really beautiful with colored leaves, clear and high sky, singing of insects, etc. We hope we can bring those beauty of this season into our music. We'll play our originals as well as arranged songs. And!! It will be Miya's birthday concerts as well!!! Please come to join us to celebrate her birthday!
Miya×Momo presents "美学のぉと vol.3" -Miya Birthday gig-
"秋のいろ 月のおと/ Autumn color, moon sound"
学芸大学 珈琲美学 http://www11.ocn.ne.jp/~bigaku25/
Miya on flute http://miya-music.com/
Momo on piano
20:00 start / music charge ¥2,500+御飲食代(2 drinks以上)