帰ってから久しぶりにルイ・アームストロングさんの録音を聴いた。ついこの間亡くなられたJoe Wilderさんのインタビューの中でLouis Armstrongさんの事を"the highest"とおっしゃっていた。ウジウジ考えてるのが嫌になるくらい突き抜けた音楽だなあ、といつも思う。心が弾んで、楽しい。
I picked Japanese-pepper grain from the branch, one by one, by hand. I will pickle them with salt. It's one of the significant spring taste in Japan, I like it very much. The photo is the grains of it.
I went to yoga in this morning. I didn't practice for a while, so I felt stiff especially in my back but it always works well for me. After the class I could felt some space in my body and it helped me to breath deeply.
In the evening, there was a concert conducted by trombone player, Mr. Osamu Matsumoto. It was his new band's debut concert. The club was packed with the audience. It was wonderful concert, more "the show" than usual jazz concert. The arrangement of the songs are also great. I respect Mr. Matsumoto a lot. He has a sense of balance between the art and the entertainment, and I think that's the way how he survive in his long career.
The concert reminds me Mr. Louis Armstrong's music although their musical direction is very different. Mr. Joe Wilder who passed away recently told about him in a interviews(African American Legends), and he answered "Louis is the highest" when he was asked who was his favorite player. He's the not only one who said that, his music is really loved by many professional musicians, not only by the audiences. Mr. Armstrong's music has some kind of core of the music which make everyone smile and can share with.