終わって、はーっと空っぽになって客席降りたら、なんとバンジョー奏者の有田純弘さんが座ってらっしゃってびっくりすぎて叫んでしまった。10年以上前に川口雅行さんのマンドリンの曲を書いた時に、マンドリンを全くわからない私にすごく親切に色々教えてくださった事(有り難すぎでした。。)もあり、演奏ももちろん大好きな、尊敬する有田さん。久しぶりにお会いできて嬉しかった!写真を一緒に撮って頂いたので、家宝にしますが、嬉しかったのでブログにも載せよう。笑。(許可は頂いております。) 他にもいろんな方にお会いできてすごく幸せでした。
I was so happy to play in Mr. Osamu Matsumoto's new band last week at pit inn. The music was so beautiful, not usual one, somehow complicated(in normal way, I may be able to say), but there is clearly freedom and joy of music in it. The band was so great, and a singer, Ms. Hiroe Kobayashi was amazing....It should be extremely difficult to sing above that harmony, but I think we couldn't feel that way because she was singing so smoothly, smile on her face, with full of her emotion and conveying the meanings and colours of the words to us. Unbelievable....Anyway, It was a great fun!
By the way, I met one of the greatest banjo player in Japan, Mr. Yoshihiro Arita that night. I was so happy when I saw him and I couldn't stop me to shout "Arita saaaan!!" We talked about music for a while, and I was thinking again why he's so great. His pure passion for music and unrelenting (and endless) efforts made him so. Such a mentor....