
富山の冬!/winter in toyama

We got the first snow of the season about a week ago in Toyama. The cold, snowy and dark Toyama winter is approaching.



昨日、富山は思わず息をのんで見惚れてしまう、美しい美しい夕焼けでした。私の携帯photoでは伝わりませんが、それでものこしておきたいな、と思うぐらい素晴らしかった。その夕焼け時間にむかっていたのが富山のオーバードホール企画の室内楽シリーズの一貫として行われたWolfgang Mehlholn氏のcello open master classでした。音楽への愛が伝わってくるとてもよいクラスで勉強になりました。金曜にはコンサートが行われるそうです。Bachが好きな方は是非!
I went to listen the master class for cello student by Germany cellist, Mr.Wolfgang Mehlholn last night. I was impressed by his passion and love for the music and the composers. I learned a lot by the class even I was just watching. The photo is a beautiful, Toyama sky yesterday.

"座ることを拒否する椅子" by Mr. Taro Okamoto

About the photo, we were sitting on the chair that named " the chair that refuse to sit down" (I'm not so sure about this translation, but meaning is something like this...) by Japanese artist, Taro Okamoto at the Kawasaki city museum after our gig at the museum. The chair has a right to give the permission to people to sit down or not...maybe!



I've just watched the both speeches on the TV. The united states is a one of the most powerful country both in a positive and negative way. I hope the "change" will be in a good and peaceful way for the world and the earth.


schedule Nov.,2008

It has gotten really cold, but I think this is the one of the most beautiful season in Japan and the best season for the art. There are some gigs in Nov.. so please come to join us!

11/3(Mon.) "The color of earth" Miya+Momo duo
at Kawasaki city museum 川崎市市民ミュージアム 逍遥展示空間

身近にある「色」を題材に、自分たちのルーツ(地球)の物語を表現する、MIya & Momoの色シリーズ第2弾。キャンパスに絵を描くように、音が宇宙(そら)をかけめぐります。
This is the 2nd concert in the series of our "color" project. We'll play our original music which are inspired the color of the earth, and try to paint the picture with the music. The sounds fly into the space!

Miya; flute: http://miya-music.com/
Momo; piano

info; http://www.kawasaki-museum.jp/

料金:無料 free

11/7(Fri.) Momo trio
at Taberna Bar
美味しいお食事とjazz standardを中心とした音楽をお楽しみください。隔週で月2回、金曜日、12月いっぱいまで演奏しています!
We'll play jazz standards and some brazilian music. Please come to enjoy the music with delicious food and drink.
info; http://www.taberna-bar.com/
tel; 076-422-4477
1st; 19:30~/ 2nd 20:45~
music charge 500 yen

11/8-12 Asako Japan tour!
voiceの高崎 安沙子 さんの北陸ツアーのうちいくつか参加しています。病院もあり、caffeもありなので気軽に遊びにきてください。
詳しい情報は安沙子 さんの素敵なホームページでどうぞ!
Ms. Asako Takasaki is NY based jazz singer, originally from Toyama, Japan. She'll come back to Japan and tour in Nov. I'll be appear some concerts in Hokuriku area. More info, please visit her official website!
Asako Takasaki; http://www.asakojazz.com/category/liveinfo/

11/21(Fri.) Momo trio
at Taberna Bar
tel; 076-422-4477
1st; 19:30~/ 2nd 20:45~
music charge 500 yen

info: http://www.daidokoroya.net/?p=195


Summer goes...

"GREEN BLOOD"に聴きに来てくださった方々、本当にありがとうございました。いろいろな事を試してみたコンサートだったので、たくさんの方々が暖かく応援してくださり、本当に心から感謝しています。本当におくればせながらですが、来てくださったお客様、助けてくださった関係者の方々、オルビスの方々、コンサートの出演者の方々、皆さんへの感謝の気持ちをこの場を借りてお伝えしたいと思います。ありがとうございました。この経験をまた次に生かして、進んで行きます。

I know it's little bit late to write, but I just would like to express my deepest gratitude for coming the concert "GREEN BLOOD"
on 3rd, Aug. at Orbis, Toyama. I was so happy to see all of them to join the event that I tried a lot of new things. It encouraged me a lot. Thank you so much!!!!

There is some gigs on Sep. to Nov. Please come to join us!

9/19(Fri.) Momo trio
at Taberna Bar
tel; 076-422-4477
1st; 19:30~/ 2nd 20:45~
music charge 500 yen

9/25(Fri.) Makoto Oka session 岡 まことsession
at Mokkiriya, Kanazawa
19:30 start

11/3(Mon.) "The color of earth" Miya+Momo duo
at Kawasaki city museum 川崎市市民ミュージアム 逍遥展示空間
料金:無料 free


8/3(Sun.) GREEN BLOOD!!

どうしてもやりたいんだー、と爆発してはじめたこの企画は、いろいろな人を巻き込み、そして本当に助けられて、明後日、音、までやってきました。トルンカ氏、Miya, Momoの世界に是非遊びにきてください!!

I'm pleased to announce the event called "GREEN BLOOD" at Orbis, Toyama, on Sunday, Aug. 3rd. I'm really excited about it! Please come to join our world!

Pavel Trnka氏の映像とMomo+Miyaの音楽。

出演;Momo/ composer, pianist
Miya/ composer, flutist
Pavel Trnka / sculptor
special talk/八木 宏昌 Hiromasa Yagi / art critic 美術評論家

2008年8月3日(日) /Aug. 3rd ,2008(Sun.)

at 富山県民小劇場 ORBIS オルビス
 info; website; http://www.kenminkaikan.com/zaidan/orbis/top.html
tel; 076-445-4531

open; 19:00/ start; 19:30

2.000 yen

チケット取り扱い/ ticket info
アーツナビ Arts-Navi; 076-432-3111

Momo official blog; http://momopiano.blogspot.com/
Miya official website; http://miya-music


in F!

7/26、大泉学園"in F"でMiyaとduoでした。8/3、富山で行う" GREEN BLOOD"の曲やMiyaの新しいアルバムの中からの曲などを自由に演奏できて、新しい曲もだんだん情景や色が見えてきてとても楽しかったです。きてくださった方、マスターに感謝です。日曜は私がずっと帰国以来ずっとやっている絵本+音楽というダウン症の子供達のための企画で神奈川に。
I played duo with wonderful flute player, Miya last Saturday at "in F" in Oizumi Gakuenn, Tokyo. We played my pieces from coming concert in Toyama called "GREEN BLOOD" and Miya's pieces from her super cool, new album, "Miya's book; Music for seven days" .
It was a lot of fun to play! I appreciate the audience and the master of in F a lot.
The photo is a sunset view from the train called "romance care" which runs through Kanagawa to Tokyo.


Miya+Momo at In F, tomorrow!

8月3日の映像とのコラボレーションとはまた別に、Momo+Miya Duoの演奏があります!新曲もいろいろやりますので、お時間がある方は是非遊びに来てください。
Momo+Miya duo will appear in July at both Kanazawa and Tokyo, so Please come to join us!

at "In F"
電話 03−3925−6967
website; http://homepage2.nifty.com/in-f/
20:00 start (2 sets)
music charge 2,800円



8/3、GREEN BLOODのチケットも置かせてもらっている、富山の大好きなcafe、room on earthの2階に最近、Openした天然素材の化粧品やアロマオイルのお店、"HANA"。いいにおいがしていて、いつも、すーっと安らぐことができる気持ちよい場所です。写真は店内の様子です。
There is a cafe in Toyama called "room on earth", and the new, organic beauty supply shop opened recently on the 2nd floor. The shop, called "HANA", always smells good and it make me relaxed. By the way...In the cafe, you can buy the ticket of "GREEN BLOOD" on 3rd Aug.


おじさんの家の猫、すみれ。My uncle's cat, Sumire. So cute!!


video/GREEN BLOOD by Mr. Pavel Trnka

今日Trnka氏の映像の試写にいってきました!かっこいい!!吸い込まれる、広がる、不思議な何秒間、を体験しました。どうやったらああいう事を思いつくのだろう????Pavel, Ondrikありがとう!!心から感謝です。いい演奏をお届けできるよう頑張ろう、と決意を新たにしています!
I went the test screenings of Mr. Trnka's video art, and saw it very first time, in this afternoon at Orbis, Hall at Toyama which is run by Toyama Prefecture. I was so amazed by his video art! It took me to other dimension of the world in a split second and was really clear to understand his philosophy. I really appreciate Mr. Pavel Trnka and his son, Mr. Ondrik Trnka. Wow!!


8/1(Fri.) Momo+Miya on Toyama city FM!

8/1(Fri.) 富山city FM "もうすぐお昼です。"という番組にフルートのMiyaと出演しています。8/3の"GREEN BLOOD"のお知らせや、jazzを始めたきっかけなどを話しています。番組は、午前11時30分〜午後12時00分までで、Momo+Miyaが出演するのは11:40頃です。偶然ラジオの前にいらっしゃったら、是非聴いてみてください。
Momo+Miya will appear on Toyama city FM program called "Mousugu Ohiru-desu" on Aug. 1st, Fri..We introduced the concert "GREEN BLOOD" on Aug. 3rd, Sun., and also you can hear the interviews that our start of jazz. The program put on the air from 11:30am to 12:00pm every, Mon. to Fri.

Toyama city FM; http://www.city-fm.co.jp/
"もうすぐお昼です。" (平日11時30分〜12時00分)
8/1(Fri.)放送;ゲストMomo, Miya



今日は富山NHK FMの音楽番組にMomo+Miya duoで演奏でした。M cubeというジャズコーラスの方々と一緒にsessionもあり、楽しかった!
新曲、初演+Momo うたをうたう、も聴けます。

7/28(Sun) 10:00pm~
NHKとやま放送局、FMラジオ「とやまミュージックJAM」81.5MHz ]
NHK Toyama FM radio "Toyama music Jam" 81.5MHz
毎月最終日曜日、夜10時〜放送/ every last sunday, from 22:00~

Momo+Miya duo will appear the Toyama local radio program called
"Toyama music Jam" on last Sunday on July. We recorded it tonight at HNK Toyama studio. it was very fun session! You can hear my latest original pieces and my singing as well! Pleasae check it out!
Tomorrow, Momo+Miya at Mokkiriya at Kanazawa! I'm really excited about it. It should be fun!!


Momo+Miya at Mokkiriya, Tomorrow, 7/18!!

明日、7/18(Fri.) 、大好きな、素晴らしいフルート奏者、Miyaと金沢、もっきりやで演奏します!今回は8/3に富山で行う Pavel Trnka氏の映像とのコラボレーションコンサート、"GREEN BLOOD" in 金沢ということで、色をテーマにした私のオリジナルとスタンダードも織り交ぜて、楽しくお届けしたいと思っています。Momo、歌う、もあります! 暑い日が続いていますが、お時間がある方は是非、なごみに来てください!

I'll perform with wonderful flute player, Miya tomorrow, 7/18(FRi.) at Mokkiriya, Kanazawa. We'll play the original pieces that was inspired by colors of nature as well as some jazz standard songs. Please come to join us!

7/18(Fri.) "GREEN BLOOD" in Kanazawa!
  at もっきりや http://www.spacelan.ne.jp/~mokkiriya/
music chage 3000円 (学生2500円)

Miya (Fl.) http://miya-music.com/



偶然つけたNHK FMで、すごくかっこいい音楽がかかっていた。びっくりして聴いていたら、武満 徹作曲賞の入賞曲でした。私がきいたのは上位2曲でしたが、あとの曲も気になります!

I was so surprised when I turned on the radio in the car this afternoon, because there was an amazingly cool, new music unlike the music from the radio program. I found out that It was a program about Toru Takemitsu award '08. Wow!



素敵なオーナーのひろよさんと、美味しいケーキとお茶とベーグルが楽しい"caffe toris"。写真は"life is beautiful" という8月の野外イベントのフライヤーを手にしてのオーナーのひろよさんと、とても美味しかった&かわいかったラズベリーソーダとコンサート"GREEN BLOOD"のちらしです。プリンもケーキも美味しそうだった!
I went to the caffe called "cafe trois", Toyama in this afternoon. I love the tart there! The photos are lovely owner of the caffe, Hiroyo with the flyer of the event called "life is beautiful' on Aug. and raspberry soda!

Caffe trois; http://www.cafetrois.com/


Hall Friends Club!/ toyama local radio show.

8/17(木) 放送のFM富山の音楽やアート文化を紹介する番組、”Hall Friends Club” に 8/3のコンサート、"GREEN BLOOD"
I'll appear on a Toyama lacoa radio program called ”Hall Friends Club” which was hosted by announcer, Keiko Takagishi and Fu-san from Otani fureai station. We introduce the coming concert, "GREEN BLOOD" on Aug. 3rd and also you can listen my live recording with flute player, Miya, studio recording which I made it in Boston when I was at Berklee college of music and some tunes from Miya's new album as well on the program. If you'll be front of the radio incidentally on Aug.17, please check it out!

8/17(Thur.) Hall Friends Club 20:00-20:30 /FM Toyama 82.7MHz]
info; http://www.fmtoyama.co.jp/program/program_8.html


Momo Miya duo schedule.

8月3日の映像とのコラボレーションとはまた別に、Momo+Miya Duoの演奏が7月金沢と東京であります!新曲もいろいろやりますので、お時間がある方は是非遊びに来てください。
Momo+Miya duo will appear in July at both Kanazawa and Tokyo, so Please come to join us!

Momo+Miya duo " GREEN BLOOD"
at "もっきりや" 電話 076-231-0096(営業時間 12:00〜24:00)
website: http://www.spacelan.ne.jp/~mokkiriya/
open/ 19:00(もしくは18:30)
start/ 1st 19:30~
   2nd 21:00~
前売り3.000円(当日500円UP) /学生 2.500円(前売り、当日含め)

at "In F"
電話 03−3925−6967
website; http://homepage2.nifty.com/in-f/
20:00 start (2 sets)
music charge 2,800円


rice field!

昼間からすごくよい天気。富山は田んぼがたくさんあります。空が澄んでいたせいか、今日はすいこまれそうに丸く明るい月夜でした。元気が出た!It was beautiful day in Toyama, Japan and I saw the perfectly round, bright moon tonight! Wow!!



まだちょっと先の話ですが、8月3日(日) チェコ共和国出身の素晴らしい彫刻家、ガラス造形家のPavel Trnka氏と、いつも一緒に演奏すると、何が出てくるのだろう!とわくわくする、大好きな素晴らしいフルート奏者Miyaと

I'm pleased to announce the special concert with a sculptor, Mr. Pavel Trnka as a video artist and a flutist, Miya on Aug. in Toyama. It will be a collaboration between the new video work, named "GREEN BLOOD" by Mr. Trnka and Momo+Miya duo music constructed by my original music for "colors" as well as arranged jazz standards. Mr. Trnka will go back to his country, Czech Republic in Aug., so it would be his last exhibition. Please come to join us!

Pavel Trnka氏の映像とMomo+Miyaの音楽。

出演;Momo/ composer, pianist
Miya/ composer, flutist
Pavel Trnka / sculptor
special talk/八木 宏昌 Hiromasa Yagi / art critic 美術評論家

2008年8月3日(日) /Aug. 3rd ,2008(Sun.)

at 富山県民小劇場 ORBIS オルビス
 info; website; http://www.kenminkaikan.com/zaidan/orbis/top.html
tel; 076-445-4531

open; 19:00/ start; 19:30

2.000 yen

チケット取り扱い/ ticket info
アーツナビ Arts-Navi; 076-432-3111

Momo official blog; http://momopiano.blogspot.com/
Miya official website; http://miya-music



日曜の舞踏との即興に足を運んでくださった方々、ありがとうございました。私にとっても新しい体験でエネルギーを頂きました。みなさんにもたのしんでいただけていれば、嬉しいなー。写真はPavel Trnka氏と舞踏の谷さんです。
Thank you for coming to the concert with Buto dancer, Eiji Tani on Sunday at Gallery Bau, Toyama. It was kind of interesting situation that I've never had it. I enjoyed the playing very much, but, honestly I was not so sure about my playing was "right" answer to the dancer. I hope the audience enjoyed the concert as well as me. The photo is sculptor, Pavel Trnka and dancer, Eiji Tani.



上の写真は以前同じ場所で 演奏した様子です。

I'll perform with Buto dancer, Mr. Eiji Tani for closing party for a glass artist and a painter, Mr. Pavel Trnka's exhibition, "Inner light of human being" on coming Sunday. It'll be free improvisation with Mr. Tani. This is something special that I've never done before, I think.
Please come to join us!

舞踏の谷英二さんと二人/duo with dancer, Eiji Tani  
at gallery BAU info; http://gallery-bau.com/

open 17:00/ start 17:30

Pavel Trnka
会期. 2008.5.9 (金) 〜 2008.6.8 (日)
ただいまgallery BAUで開催中のPavel Trnkas氏の展覧会の最終日に演奏します。We will perform for closing party of exhibition of Mr. Pavel Trnka.


It was beautiful weekend here in Toyama with fresh green and blooming flowers.
近い演奏の予定です。お時間がある方は是非!Please come to join us!

Duo with Asako (vo.)/ 高崎 あさこさん(vo.)と二人。
at cafe torois, 富山(Toyama)
1st set 18:00 start/2nd set 19:00 start
free!!! (投げ銭歓迎/donation suggested)
info; http://www.cafetrois.com/
(予定はblogに載っています。Schedule on blog page.)

舞踏の谷英二さんと二人/duo with dancer, Eiji Tani  
at gallery BAU info; http://gallery-bau.com/
Pavel Trnka
会期. 2008.5.9 (金) 〜 2008.6.8 (日)
*ただいまgallery BAUで開催中のPavel Trnkas氏の展覧会の最終日に演奏します。
*We will perform at closing party of the exhibition of glass artist and Painter, Mr. Pavel Trnka.


Junichiro Oguchi duo tour in Hokuriku!

尊敬するピアニスト、大口 純一郎さんのduo tourが明日、富山"lush Life"から始まります。人柄もピアノも大好きな大口さんの演奏、私も楽しみにしています。お時間があるかたは、是非!

大口 純一郎 official web site; http://www.jun-ohkuchi.com/index.html

大口 純一郎(Pn.) 米木康志(Bs.) DUO!
4/29(祝) Lush Life 富山  0764-21-7044
4/30(水) Cask 砺波  0763-32-7613
5/1(木) 金沢 もっきりや


Seiji Ozawa in Tokyo, opera no mori

少し前に、小澤 征爾さんが指揮するオペラを観てきました。あのエネルギー、集中力、音楽!まるで、自分の家のどこかにいくみたいにダダーッと指揮台に駆け上がってきて、音楽を創っていた。すごいオーラというか、気というかなにか目に見えない物がある方でした。感動!

I had a chance to see the opera, "Eugeni onehin" by Pyotr Tchaikovsky which conducted by one of my favorite conductor, Mr. Seiji Ozawa about a week ago. I was so amazed about his energy, passion and concentration which was kept high from beginning to end. In his book, which he wrote years ago, he said the conductor need some kind of "Aura" not only musical knowledge and conducting technique. I'v never seen the conductor like him who has such an attracitive aura. It was impressive.

I'm pleased to announce gig with tenor saxophonist, Bob Shepperd in Kanazawa in May. Please come to join us!

Bob Shepperd(ts) with 席亭グループ
2008・5・3 @ もっきりや/Mokkiriya
info; http://www.spacelan.ne.jp/~mokkiriya/



梅!Japanese plum flower!

There is "Ume" flower, Japanese plum folwer, in full bloom near my house. Japanese transition from one season to the next is really slow, little by little. We can see how the nature changes clearly, especially in Toyama which is surrounded by rich nature. I love it a lot. 

私の友人、Pavel Trnka氏がLukash Trnka氏と合同の展覧会をしています。"Room on earth"というcaffeで、コーヒーが美味しい和む空間なので、興味がある方は是非!写真はpavelの作品で、このうちのいくつかは会場でも会えます。
My friend, Mr. Pavel Trnka and his son Mr. Lukas Trnka's exhibition is being held at "room on earth", Toyama. The 2nd picture above is some of Pavel's art and you can see the some of them in the caffe. Please visit the caffe!
info; "room on earth" http://www.roomonearth.org/

最近よく聴いているvoice/composerのmeredith monkと、bjorkの対談がmeredith monkのweb siteに載っていました。おもしろい!

There are a lot of article about Tibet lately. When I felt depressed in Boston, I often read book of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. His teaching was really simple and realistic. I think the idea that he changes his insistence about independence of Tibet from china after 50 years of his exhile is not realistic.....Anyway, nobody want bloodbath in Tibet again. I hope peace will be back to tibet as soon as possible.


My new friend "Momo". It came back to Japan from Czech republic a week ago. Welcome back!



4月末まで、毎週水曜、富山"jazz workshop"で公演予定だったduoは、諸事情により中止となりました。聴きにきてくださった方々、たまたま立ち寄られた方々、老若男女問わず楽しんでいってくれた皆様、本当にありがとうございました!



2月にはじまったベースの武田さんとのduo. 4月いっぱい毎週水曜日jazz workshopでやっています。お時間がある方は遊びに来てください。
please come to join us!

duo at "jazz workshop"富山 toyama
phone; 076-422-5432

Momo; piano
Satoru Takeda; bass

start 8:00pm
muisc charge 500yen





一週間/ a week

2/25(Mon.) Miya music for seven days"Miya's book" at 金沢 mokkiriya
Thank you for coming to the gig at Mokkiriya on Monday, 25th, Feb. I was so happy to share the music with such a great musicians and audience. I took the photo, the first one, after the gig at Japanese restaurant near "Mokkiriya".

"Tokuzo" というお店で、Miyaの曲や3人の音にもすこしづつ馴染んで、すごくリラックスして演奏できました。暖かくむかえてくださったお客様に感謝です。二番目の写真は尊敬する素晴らしい音楽家で、今回は本当にお世話になってますます大好きになったベースの水谷浩章さんです。
This Miya's tour was planning basically playing with trio, flute, bass and drums, and I was supposed to be a guest player only at Kanazaawa and Toyama. But I was so happy to play with them and I asked them if it's possible to play with them at Nagoya as well. Fortunately, they agree with it, so I went to Ngoya with them! It was great experience to play them in three days. I really appreciate to the musicians and also the audience who welcomed me warmly.

ベースの武田さんと富山でduoでした。私達が演奏するときはいつも大雪になるのですが、それにもめげず、聴きにきてくださった方々本当にありがとうございました。このduoは4月の末まで、jazz workshopで毎週水曜やっています。つぎこそ晴れてほしい!!毎回、雪でうまった車を発掘するのは、寒いのです。

pit innまでMiyaのフルバンドでの演奏を聴きにいってきました。すごい、美しかった!こうなるのかー!感動でした。

そして外山 明さんと大儀見 元さんのduoを聴きにいってきました。すごいものをみてしまった。。。。言葉がない。立ち上がれなくなるぐらいショックでした。すごいなー!!!



今日は、富山"jazz workshop" でduoです。スタンダードに加えて私の曲も演奏する予定です。寒い冬にあったまるherb tea&herb cokieなどもあるお店なので、是非和みにきてください。

I will play at "jazz workshop" in Toyama with wonderful bass player, Satoru Takeda tonight. Please come to join us!

duo at "jazz workshop"富山 toyama
phone; 076-422-5432

Momo; piano
Satoru Takeda; bass

start 8:00pm
muisc charge 500yen


Miya"Music for seven days" tour in Toyama

昨日は富山“日の出小劇場”での、Miyaのコンサートでした。雪の降る寒い日にもかかわらず、来てくださった方々、本当にありがとうございます。大好きで、とても尊敬するすばらしい音楽家と一緒に演奏できて、本当にたのしかったです。今日、金沢“もっきりや”でコンサートです。お時間がある方は、是非!写真は素晴らしいドラムの外山 明さん、photo title"紋次郎”、とライブで頂いたとても素敵なお花です。ありがとうございました。
Thank you for coming to Miya's CD release gig in Toyama in spite of freezing day. I appreciate it a lot!!!
I was so happy and excited to play with such a brilliant musicians last night. I just feel that every single note that they create was shining like starts with beautiful light and colors in every moments. We'll play in Kanazawa"Mokkiriya" tonight. Please come join us!!!

Miya "Music for seven days" tour in Kanazawa
Miya アルバム"Music for seven days" 発売記念ツアー in 金沢
at もっきりや Mokkiriya info; http://www.spacelan.ne.jp/~mokkiriya/

Miya; flute
Hiroaki mizutani 水谷 浩章;bass
Akira Sotoyama 外山 明; drums
guest Momo; piano
19:00 open/19:30 start
ticket 3.000 yen / 当日at door 3.500yen


Miya "Music for seven days" tour in Hokuriku!!

I was pleased to announce some concerts of wonderful flute player, Miya in Hokuriku area. Please come to listen to her new sound!!

Miya "Music for seven days" tour in Toyama
Miya アルバム"Music for seven days" 発売記念ツアー in 富山
at 日の出小劇場 info;http://www.daidokoroya.net/?p=134

Miya; flute
Hiroaki mizutani 水谷 浩章;bass
Akira Sotoyama 外山 明; drums
guest Momo; piano

18:00 open/19:00 start
ticket 4.000 yen / 当日at door 4.500yen

Miya "Music for seven days" tour in Kanazawa
Miya アルバム"Music for seven days" 発売記念ツアー in 金沢
at もっきりや Mokkiriya info; http://www.spacelan.ne.jp/~mokkiriya/

Miya; flute
Hiroaki mizutani 水谷 浩章;bass
Akira Sotoyama 外山 明; drums
guest Momo; piano
19:00 open/19:30 start
ticket 3.000 yen / 当日at door 3.500yen

musicians information;
Miya; http://miya-music.com/

Hiroaki mizutani 水谷 浩章

Akira Sotoyama 外山 明


snow garden




大雪の中、jazz workshopに聴きにきてくださった方々、大変ありがとうございました。ゲストにドラムの中井さんもきてくださって、楽しく演奏できました。”雪庭”という私の曲を武田さんと一緒にやると、違う曲みたいでとても新鮮でした。うれしかった!一つの曲が演奏者によって全く変わっていくのは、私がjazzの中でとても好きな事のひとつです。

Thank you for coming duo gig at jazz workshop tonight in spite of the bad weather. I appreciate it a lot! It was fun to play with Mr takeda. Espescially, I was happy to play one of my compositions that was inspired by winter view in Toyama called "snow garden" on this best suited, heavy snowy day with Toyama native bass player, Mr. Takeda. He inspired me a lot and I felt like it was the first time to play this piece because it was completely different from what I thought about my own song. It is one of the great things in jazz music. He make me realize new direction of my composition.



2回目のduo! jazz workshopはコーヒーやherb teaもおいしいので、ぜひ和みにきてください!
We'll play jazz standard tune as well as some of my originals. Please come to see us!
2/13(Wed.) at Jazz workshop
Momo; piano
Satoru Takeda 武田 悟; bass
  music charge 500yen / 8;00 satrt


schedule Feb. 2008

富山は雪模様です。緑が恋しいなーとは思うのですが、北陸のくぐもった冬も好き。寒い日が続いていますが、お時間がある方は是非遊びに来てください!There's some gigs in this month. Please come to see us!

2/13(Wed.) at Jazz workshop
Momo; piano
Satoru Takeda 武田 悟; bass
  music charge 500yen / 8;00 satrt

2/24(Sun.) Miya "Music for seven days" tour in Toyama/ Miya アルバム"Music for seven days" 発売記念ツアー in 富山
     at 日の出小劇場 info;http://www.daidokoroya.net/?p=134
Miya; flute
Hiroaki mizutani 水谷 浩明;bass
Akira Sotoyama 外山 明; drums
guest Momo; piano
18:00 open/19:00 start
ticket 4.000 yen / 当日at door 4.500yen

2/25(Mon.)Miya "Music for seven days" tour in Kanazawa/ Miya アルバム"Music for seven days" 発売記念ツアー in 金沢
      at もっきりや Mokkiriya info; http://www.spacelan.ne.jp/~mokkiriya/
Miya; flute
Hiroaki mizutani 水谷 浩明;bass
Akira Sotoyama 外山 明; drums
guest Momo; piano
19:00 open/19:30 start
ticket 3.000 yen / 当日at door 3.500yen

2/27(Wed.)Momo solo
music charge 500yen / 8;00 satrt

ピアノ炎上/piano on fire

金沢の21世紀美術館で、行われている粟津潔の展覧会で、ピアニストの山下 洋輔さんが燃えるピアノを弾いている映像をみつけました。びっくり! 写真は小さくて分かりづらいですが、展示の模様です。
その日は展示室内で、林 光さんと姫田 大さんのduo concertもあり、林さんの素敵な曲と共に、私の大好きな武満 徹さんの曲なども演奏されていて、とても幸せなひと時を過ごしました。同じ時代に生き抜いて来た芸術家同士の、エピソードなども少し聞けてとても興味深かったです。元気がでた!

I went Exhibition of Kiyoshi Awazu, who create many kinds of arts from 60's, at 21st century modern museum, kanazawa last week, and I found the movie which jazz pianist Yosuke Yamashita was playing piano on fire. I've heard about it before, but I was kind of shocked even I knew it. Art......
By the way, there's a concert of composer and pianist, Hikaru Hayashi and flutist, Dai Himeda. They played some of Mr. Hayashi's compositions as well as Takemitsu, Debussy and Bach. I like it a lot.

info; http://www.kanazawa21.jp/exhibit/awazu/index_en.html

"Riverside" open!!; Jazz bar at Kanazawa

金沢でお世話になっているギター奏者の、尾田さんが新しいライブ&jazz bar "Riverside" を開店しました。今週はずっとライブをやっているそうです。素敵なグランドピアノがある、ピアニストにうれしいお店です。なにより、尾田さんの人柄がそのままお店になっていて、とても居心地がよいすてきなおみせでした!!夢だったお店、と聞いて感動でした。機会がある方は是非!
My frriedns guitar player, Mr. Oda opened his jazz bar called "Riverside" , because it's located by the Sai-river which runs center of Kanazawa, last week. He told me it was his dream to have his own jazz bar and it came true!! Wow! They have nice grand piano of Yamaha. It's so nice to pianist.....!

金沢市片町1丁目ホクリク犀川ビル4F /Hokuriku Saigawa build. 4th floor, 1 Katamachi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa


桜/cherry blossom

ぽつっと咲いていて、うれしい!今日は、富山、lush lifeでsessionです。お時間がある方は、是非遊びに来てください!

Pink cherry blossoms in January! A florist gave us bunch of pruned Cherry blossoms called "Kiouzakura" few days ago. We wondered if they would really bloom, but it did!
We have session tonight at Lush Life, Toyama. Please come to join us!

Lush Life session (Toyama)
music charge 1.000yen
start; 8:00 pm


Happy new year!!

富山は30日からしんしんと雪が降っています。 雪つりに雪がかぶってきれい。



It's snowing here in Toyama, Japan. It's bit cold, but I like it very much because it's beautiful and also I'm familiar with this kind of view from my childhood and it makes me feel nostalgic.

There were a lot of great meeting last year! I was so happy to have the chance to meet all and I'm really appreciate it from bottom of my heart to all. Those meeting are my precious treasure in my life.

I wish you have a happy and peaceful new year!!


lush lifeでの年末sessionの後、みんなで近くの神社に、初詣にいきました。写真は昨年、"ふれ逢いステーション”などのイベントで本当にお世話になった大谷製鉄の藤木さんと、たまたま遊びに来てくださった素晴らしいドラム(そしてマジシャン!)の八木秀樹さんです。
Thank you for coming to the count-down session at Lush life. I really appreciate it to all who celebrate new year with us. I went to "Hatu-mode", Japanese traditional custom of visiting shrines on Jan. 1st., after the session with some musicians who came to the session. The picture above is Mr. Fujiki, who was playing bass at the session and also staff of Otani steel cooperation which was helped me a lot since I came back to Japan, and wonderful drummer (and magician!), Mr. Hideki Yagi.