昨日は洗足学園でトロンボーンの松本治さんの講座にベースの水谷さんと参加させていただきました。お二人と演奏できるのはとても幸せな時間だったし、普段あまり詳しく勉強していないトロンボーンという楽器にについて音の出し方や倍音、ポジション、奏法など詳しく知るとこが出来て面白く、とても勉強になりました。松本さんの音楽にたいしての造詣の深さに改めて尊敬の念を抱きました。素晴らしいなあ。お2人の音に対しての優しさや集中力、瞬間の聴く力など一緒に演奏して体で感じる事がとても沢山ありました。若い生徒さん達の前向きな力も感じられてすごく元気になりました。Dona Leeをきちんと弾けなくて恥ずかしかった。練習しよう。。。
I went to Senzoku Gakuen Music College yesterday to join the class of Mr. Matsumoto, trombone player and has a lost of classes in school. I played with him and bass player, Mr. Mizutani. The class was about trombone itself, the structure and history of the instruments, how to make the sounds include overtones, positions, and so on. It was very interesting and I learned a lot. Also It was great pleasure to play with those two great players. Their concentration and love for the sound itself and their rich and deep musicality was so inspiring. It was packed with young student, future musician, maybe, and they gave me a power as well. I was grateful for the chance to attend it.