ボストンに住んでいた時、yoga studioが目の前にあって毎朝通っていたのだけれど、最近は自分の好きな時にちょっとづつやるようにしている。どんな難問でも解決できる魔法ではないけれど、私の場合、心がさらっとして集中力が増す効果はある。
I usually do yoga practice about ten minutes or so in the morning before sitting front of the paper or computer to write music. It make my mind clear.
I started yoga practice about 2 years ago in Boston. There was a yoga studio just few steps(!) from my apartment where I lived during my college days. I used to go to the studio every morning, but now I am just practicing by myself.
I don't say it's kind of magic to solve any difficulties in the world, but I think it's useful for getting tranquility of mind and concentration.