
日記/ diary

最近の日記です。My days at last week.

Lately, I'm studying about guitar bit by bit to write composition for guitar, and I found myself with poor knowledge of the guitar though I played with guitar many times. now I'm more curious about where the magic of the guitar sound comes from than before.

I went to listen a wonderful vocalist, Maki Hachiya trio, with Mr. Kazuhide Motooka on piano and Mr. Tadashi Shigami at Iidabashi "Rug Time" in Tokyo at last week. It was very touched. They played jazz standard tunes, especially a song of Mr. Ellington. The sound came into the deep place of my heart.....I joined the band for a song called "I'm lucky so and so" by Duke Ellington and it changed something inside of me.

-初、関内。at kannai, Kanagawa
ドラムの原田俊太郎さんのバンドで関内の"Bar Bar Bar"で演奏しました。演奏前にオーナーと原田さんのダンスホールやその周りにあったsessionが夜な夜な繰り広げられる情景の会話を聞いていて、まるで日本のjazz史を聞くがごとくでとても興味深かったです。この日はたまたま、関内のお祭りで御神輿がでていて、お店も満員で大変活気がありました。面白かった!呼んでくださった原田俊太郎さん、聴きに来てくださったお客様、ありがとうございました!
I was played with wonderful drummer, Mr. Shuntaro Harada band at Kananai " Bar Bar Bar" in kanagawa. Before the session, I was listening the talk between Mr. Harada and the owner of the jazz club about the jazz scene at the time when many dance halls with big band was still existed and jazz session was really hot everywhere, every night. It was so interesting to listen it, like a studying the jazz history in Yokohama.By the way, there was a summer festival in kannai, so the club was really packed. Thank you for coming!!!

-junior high school students
I was talking with a junior high school students who played with at the musical event for Down's syndrome children, and she said to me she was came from 2 dimensional world......mmmmm....2 dimension!! It means "the animation", she said. Anyway, It was interesting to see the children.